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  1. #1
    NoteCaddy sreticentv's Avatar
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    Default :+:Official:+: NoteCaddy HM-App thread

    This thread is now closed: Please post in the official NoteCaddy sub forum http://forums.holdemmanager.com/notecaddy/

    I am happy to work with the HEM team in both the development of HM2 as well as the addition of NoteCaddy to the stable of high quality HM-Apps.

    NoteCaddy is essentially a note management add on. Using it, you can automatically add notes for players. Additionally, you can automatically color code players in PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker. HM2 allows you to quickly understand your notes with new features such as color coded NC notes, spark graphs, notes in popups, and notes as stats.

    Please have a look at some of the videos that will help explain some of the many NoteCaddy features:

    Intro to NoteCaddy hm-app

    Advanced Tutorials

    Excellent document explaining implicit strength/weaknesses (contributed by user TJD)

    Please feel free to ask any questions in this thread and I will do my best to answer them.
    Last edited by sreticentv; 06-10-2011 at 09:29 AM.

  2. #2
    NoteCaddy sreticentv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncc View Post
    Here is another example

    3rd one down says implied weakness when he has QQ, with 2 peaks , one says strong the other says weak

    I know you are the expert but it would be very handy if we had this explained to the layman, as i have asked a few of my guys and looked at lost of stats that to us, just dont make sense

    Plus an explanation of all the numbers
    the intro (new) video should explain this

    Quote Originally Posted by Botmac View Post
    I'm making some custom popups and I noticed in some of the default popups there are notecaddy notes taken for these popups at the bottom of the popup. How do I get these notes into my custom popups?
    hud options->notecaddy popups. There is more explanation in the intro video as well

  3. #3
    HM2 Shark Tank Member
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    Default New build

    Clicking notecaddy nothing happens, so i assume thats why note caddy report doesnt pop up either when live

  4. #4
    HM2 Shark Tank Member
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    So in the video you also show a hand and the notecaddy says AH20 (Ace high 2 overs) implied strength because he played the hand strong, i.e. fired 2 barrels.

    My question is, as he didnt get to showdown, how does NC know his hand?

    Also in a different note it says

    cbets oop etc and misses cbet oop, underneath it says

    cbets ace high
    cbets dry flop

    question is, is this IP or OOP

  5. #5
    NoteCaddy sreticentv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncc View Post
    So in the video you also show a hand and the notecaddy says AH20 (Ace high 2 overs) implied strength because he played the hand strong, i.e. fired 2 barrels.

    My question is, as he didnt get to showdown, how does NC know his hand?

    Also in a different note it says

    cbets oop etc and misses cbet oop, underneath it says

    cbets ace high
    cbets dry flop

    question is, is this IP or OOP
    I clearly explain in the video that the comma indicates that it was separate instances. If you look at the replayer you'll see two hands in there. I also explain how the #2 like (2/2) means that there were TWO instances.

    Here is another example of commas:

    "I like dogs, cats, and giraffes." That doesn't mean I like some kind of dog-cat-giraffe hybrid but rather I like all three.

    implied strength means they continued showing aggression and won the hand without showdown

    implied weakness means they eventually folded

  6. #6
    HM2 Shark Tank Member
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    Now just waiting for an answer to my other questions

  7. #7
    NoteCaddy sreticentv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncc View Post
    Now just waiting for an answer to my other questions
    please quote yourself as I don't see any more

  8. #8
    HM2 Shark Tank Member
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    Default here

    Well perhaps i am just thick, as i have read the implicits doc and it makes my head wobble, unless its to early in the morning for me, I have also watched every video, why do i have a problem understanding it?

    You write the following;

    The last 3 all got to SD and we see that he makes these raises with middle pair as well as 2 good hands. However, the one I want to discuss is the "impl. weakness -5". This tells us the following:-
    • He raised the CB
    • The raise did not instantly win
    • The hand did not get to SD
    • This player FOLDED before SD

    OK, did he have a monster hand these 5 times?

    So if he had a monster why did he not see the showdown or am i missing the point?

    Here is another note for a different player:-

    [F]Raises Flop {impl. strength-3,Top Pair/High Kicker}(6)

    We see that he raised with TP once and a couple of times he won instantly

    (Even more confused as it states he didnt win instantly

    (6-1-3) but let's look at impl. strength -3

    This tells us that
    He raised the CB
    • The raise did not instantly win
    • The hand did not get to SD
    • This player WON before SD

    Ok, did he have a weak hand these 3 times?

    Are you saying here he won with a weak hand because the villain folded? or that we dont know

    Well as this is implied strength and the one above is implied weakness why are the meanings EXACTLY the same??

    Your documents show a single number (6) for example, my example shows 2/7

    Also in my example QQ/Top Pair there is no number for implied weakness, any reason for this ?

    Maybe its me, but i doubt as other people have asked if i understand it, i clearly dont, Love the product but woud love it better if i knew what was what

  9. #9
    NoteCaddy sreticentv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncc View Post
    Well perhaps i am just thick, as i have read the implicits doc and it makes my head wobble, unless its to early in the morning for me, I have also watched every video, why do i have a problem understanding it?

    You write the following;

    The last 3 all got to SD and we see that he makes these raises with middle pair as well as 2 good hands. However, the one I want to discuss is the "impl. weakness -5". This tells us the following:-
    • He raised the CB
    • The raise did not instantly win
    • The hand did not get to SD
    • This player FOLDED before SD

    OK, did he have a monster hand these 5 times?

    So if he had a monster why did he not see the showdown or am i missing the point?

    Here is another note for a different player:-

    [F]Raises Flop {impl. strength-3,Top Pair/High Kicker}(6)

    We see that he raised with TP once and a couple of times he won instantly

    (Even more confused as it states he didnt win instantly

    (6-1-3) but let's look at impl. strength -3

    This tells us that
    He raised the CB
    • The raise did not instantly win
    • The hand did not get to SD
    • This player WON before SD

    Ok, did he have a weak hand these 3 times?

    Are you saying here he won with a weak hand because the villain folded? or that we dont know

    Well as this is implied strength and the one above is implied weakness why are the meanings EXACTLY the same??

    Your documents show a single number (6) for example, my example shows 2/7

    Also in my example QQ/Top Pair there is no number for implied weakness, any reason for this ?

    Maybe its me, but i doubt as other people have asked if i understand it, i clearly dont, Love the product but woud love it better if i knew what was what
    those are hypothetical questions

    So if he had a monster why did he not see the showdown or am i missing the point?
    he didn't have a monster if he folded

    Are you saying here he won with a weak hand because the villain folded? or that we dont know
    he probably didn't have a weak hand if he kept bet/raising

    The purpose of the document is to explain how you might use the info gained.

    If someone has the note "missing cbet oop {implicit weakness-5}" then you should be calling them in position pre flop frequently and when they check the flop, steal the pot from them with a bet

    Your documents show a single number (6) for example, my example shows 2/7
    One number means it happened x times. Two number (x/y) means it happened x times but could have happened y times.

    Also in my example QQ/Top Pair there is no number for implied weakness, any reason for this ?
    no number means it happened once just like x = 1x

    Just remember that:

    implicit strength = continued aggression and won without showdown
    implicit weakness = folded before showdown
    Last edited by sreticentv; 08-03-2011 at 06:57 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Same thing for me with

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