Getting about 5,000 error messages over this icon:
Attachment 37661
The most common one seems to be:
error persisting note: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(T Key key)
at AssaultWare.Business.NoteDetails.Combine(NoteDetai ls details)
at AssaultWare.Business.Database.AbstractPostgre.Pers istRead(Player player, Sites site, NoteDetails newNote, PlayerHand ph, Int32 requiredSample, Int32 requiredSuccessPercentage, Boolean isSuccess, Boolean isOrder, Boolean isHighlight, Boolean isShowPercentage, Boolean isSeparateGroupsWithSpace, Boolean& isMetRequirements)
at NoteCaddy.Business.NoteTaker.LockPersistNote(Table Player tp, AbstractPostgre database, NoteDetails nd, Int32 minimumOccurrences, Int32 requiredSuccessPercentage, Boolean isSuccess, Boolean useGroupings, Boolean highlightNotes, Boolean& isMetRequirements)