No more import, no more statd
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default No more import, no more statd

    Actually I just posted this in the HUD Bug section.
    But since I came to the conclusion that the hands are not imported at all, I am afraid this might be a general manager issue...


    OK, so here's the deal, people:

    My HUD does not work anymore on all the sites:

    1) What version of Holdem Manager are you using eg 1.06.04 Beta 12?

    I had 1.06 when it stopped working. Then tried a few updates including the last 1.08 beta 17 - right now I just downgraded back to 1.07.01

    2) What Poker Site are you playing on and does the problem occur on more than 1 site?

    Stars, Party and Tilt (all the same)

    2a) Have you clicked the Start Auto Import Button?

    Many many times

    3) Have you the settings exactly as per the FAQ for your site?

    Yes - and it all worked out like a charm since a few days ago....

    4) Can you see the Hand History files showing up in the correct Folder on your PC, this folder should be indentical to the path location you set in Options > Configure Auto Import Folder in HM? If so please copy and paste the location as shown in the FAQ?

    Can see it.
    C:\Users\Bruce\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistor y\"Screenname"

    5) Are the hands being imported into Holdem Manager?

    I do not think so.....

    5a) Do they import if you create a new database?

    Just did that and it still does not work...

    6) Have You Tried the Table Finder and did it work?

    Did not try that. Where do I find the table finder???
    The table manager opens though, but it shows the tabels as 6/6 even if they are full 9/9

    Edit: OK I found it but it did not come up with any unattached hands - so I guess this means it did not work, right?

    7) If you open the HH are they written in English?

    Yes they are.

    8) If your using Vista have you UAC disabled?

    Using Vista. Diabled UAC. Do not feel comfortable with it but I did so and restarted. It previously worked without doing so, though.

    9) Have you attached the holdemmanager.config file?

    Let me see.... which one is that?
    There are actually quite a lot of files in the config folder, but none is named config.*

    thanks a lot for any kind of advice.
    i am really getting kinda desperate here.

    Now that I created a new DB and exported all the hands I would like to learn how I can import the hands into the new DB?
    Last edited by WikiBruce; 03-17-2009 at 12:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Just posted this in the HUD forum.


    Just uninstalled everything from postgress to HEM - restarted - reinstalled and it works!

    Thanks a lot anyways!!!

    Now I just have to fix that f****** postgres problem on that other PC of mine and I will be really happy agian

    :: Sorry for double posting!

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