Last Sunday I was 2h into a tourney when my laptop powercord caught fire.
So I switched to another pc (not running HEM) and resumed play. I managed to make it to the final table and requested the hand history from PS support.
When importing the HH HEM told me it found 385 new hands and 1xx duplicate ones (which could have been correct).
Unfortunately, the result of the tournament, the field size and money won were reported incorrectly, so I edited those manually. It is only after doing so that I found out that I needed the tourney summary as well, so I requested it from PS (actually, I requested all my tournament summaries).
When I select the tourney in the data view it apparently contains only 305 hands. Looking at the file, I see 539 hands were played.
Oddly enough, the first and last hands in HEM are correct (according to the file).
I am running the latest version (1.11.06b), and now am quite puzzled by the above finding. Does HEM contain all my hands or not?
What do you suggest I do or check?
A (quite new) HEM user.