Imported PS 539-hands tourney being reported as containing 305 hands
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  1. #1
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    Default Imported PS 539-hands tourney being reported as containing 305 hands


    Last Sunday I was 2h into a tourney when my laptop powercord caught fire.
    So I switched to another pc (not running HEM) and resumed play. I managed to make it to the final table and requested the hand history from PS support.

    When importing the HH HEM told me it found 385 new hands and 1xx duplicate ones (which could have been correct).
    Unfortunately, the result of the tournament, the field size and money won were reported incorrectly, so I edited those manually. It is only after doing so that I found out that I needed the tourney summary as well, so I requested it from PS (actually, I requested all my tournament summaries).

    When I select the tourney in the data view it apparently contains only 305 hands. Looking at the file, I see 539 hands were played.
    Oddly enough, the first and last hands in HEM are correct (according to the file).

    I am running the latest version (1.11.06b), and now am quite puzzled by the above finding. Does HEM contain all my hands or not?

    What do you suggest I do or check?


    A (quite new) HEM user.

  2. #2
    HM Support netsrak's Avatar
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    I think the best is if you delete the hands and summary (via right mouse click) and reimport the files via import file.

    It may be necessary to rename the files.

  3. #3
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    I deleted everything under "Tournament" "Results" (148 tournaments ; select all manually, right click, delete tournaments) and then after all hands under "Hands" of the tourney section (delete selected hands).

    Changed the filenames (because otherwise indeed the files would not be "seen" by HEM) of both HH and tournament summaries and it reimported the hands.

    Or so it says.

    Attached screenshots of hand import (8 different txt files) & tournament summaries (2 HTML files).

    When I now go back to tournament...everything is empty!

    Also, where can I find info on the import errors? What are they, what is there cause?

    Please advise.

  4. #4
    HM Support Patvs's Avatar
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    Import errors: are caused by incomplete handhistories, to see which hands caused them go to:

    C:/Program Files/RVG Software/HoldemManager/Importing/Logs folder


    Can you just create a new empty database (options--> database management)
    Import the requested hands from PokerStars first--> followed by the .html summary file. (run a import from file on the summary file)
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  5. #5
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    The 6 hands in the latest logfile all have in common that they were satellites to other tournaments. The hands look completed.
    The error logfile is attached below.

    Actually, all errors logged about previously in other files are related to satellites in which the player advances to another tournament it seems.

    I have created a new empty DB and re-imported the hands and summaries.
    At first I only saw 27 hands in the specific tournament I am most interested in (for which, now, the size of the field, the duration of the game and the money I was awarded have been auto-detected). After a couple of seconds the full 539 hands showed up.
    So I guess that fixed it.

    Three quick questions though:
    A/ how do I get "everything else" from the old DB (cash games etc) to this new DB?

    B/ Can you envisage a new feature in DB management which would foresee the copying of user data (such as hero name) from the old DB to the new DB?

    C/ How can I assist in resolving the cause, rather than the symptoms of the problem? What could have gone wrong? Did I do something - if so, how can I find out?
    C/ 2. Should I just live with the fact that I'll have to go through this process every couple of weeks?

    I've only been using HEM for a month or so now, and being relatively new to poker, my DB only contains ~500 cash game hands and ~5k tournament hands. Ending up with an inconsistent DB on such a low quantity of hands reflects poorly on the software (which is a shame, since I do like it).

    Many thanks for your answers!

  6. #6
    HM Support Patvs's Avatar
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    A/--> easiest: email PokerStars, request every hand you've ever played. Import what they sent you.
    Just as easy is, run a import from folder on your archive folder C:/HMArchive.

    B/ if you create a backup of an old database--> and restore it into a new database. It will also remember the hero name/ALIAS names/notes, etc.
    (this is useful if you want to move your database to a NEW COMPUTER)

    But if you create a new database, with the intention of reimporting your hands. It's best to just reimport the ORIGINAL HANDHISTORIES from your archive folder or the requested handhistories.

    C/1 Your import errors is a unique problem caused by the satellites you play.
    PokerStars writes to the handhistory:
    Lan2307 finished the tournament in 3rd place and received 10FPP.
    Slick W1llie finished the tournament in 1st place
    Slick W1llie wins an entry to tournament #408010003
    jkarlos001 finished the tournament in 1st place
    jkarlos001 wins an entry to tournament #408010003

    But when HoldemManager imports this, it has NO IDEA what you won exactly, which is why the final hand resulted in an error.

    C/ 2 This issue doesn't occur with regular games (cash, SNG, MTT)
    And also shouldn't occur with STEPS/ bigger satellites/freerolls where it is obvious what you win based on the summary file. If the results don't show up in HoldemManager correctly, email us the handhistory file + summary to

    Inconsistent DB (results wise) in HoldemManager is actually common on some pokersites that don't write any summary files (with the buyin info, winnings, your finish position, etc.). But... as long as HoldemManager imports all the hands correctly, what's most important is that the HUD will display the correct HUD stats for all the players in these games.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patvs View Post
    A/--> easiest: email PokerStars, request every hand you've ever played. Import what they sent you.
    Just as easy is, run a import from folder on your archive folder C:/HMArchive.
    Aha, it's located at c:\hmarchive. I had been searching the forums for the archive location (since my HEM isn't installed in the default c:\program files\...) but couldn't find a quick answer.

    B/ if you create a backup of an old database--> and restore it into a new database. It will also remember the hero name/ALIAS names/notes, etc.
    (this is useful if you want to move your database to a NEW COMPUTER)
    Good tip, thanks.

    But if you create a new database, with the intention of reimporting your hands. It's best to just reimport the ORIGINAL HANDHISTORIES from your archive folder or the requested handhistories.
    I had gotten a little impatient and found the option to export HH from my DB, which I then reimported into it.
    Worked like a charm

    C/1 Your import errors is a unique problem caused by the satellites you play.
    PokerStars writes to the handhistory:
    Lan2307 finished the tournament in 3rd place and received 10FPP.
    Slick W1llie finished the tournament in 1st place
    Slick W1llie wins an entry to tournament #408010003
    jkarlos001 finished the tournament in 1st place
    jkarlos001 wins an entry to tournament #408010003

    But when HoldemManager imports this, it has NO IDEA what you won exactly, which is why the final hand resulted in an error.
    Isn't that something that should be enhanced in HoldemManager? It should be able to tell that, in most cases, you won a free buy-in for that tournament. Hence, even if you do not finish ITM, it should grant the buy-in of that money as winnings (as to not skew your stats).
    Or am I mistaken?

    C/ 2 This issue doesn't occur with regular games (cash, SNG, MTT)
    And also shouldn't occur with STEPS/ bigger satellites/freerolls where it is obvious what you win based on the summary file. If the results don't show up in HoldemManager correctly, email us the handhistory file + summary to
    I'll be going through my DB, and if I find something, will definitely get in touch with support.

    Inconsistent DB (results wise) in HoldemManager is actually common on some pokersites that don't write any summary files (with the buyin info, winnings, your finish position, etc.). But... as long as HoldemManager imports all the hands correctly, what's most important is that the HUD will display the correct HUD stats for all the players in these games.
    But perhaps there is a feature request to be made by HEM users TO PS, for better/increased/... logging ?

    Thanks for your answers.

  8. #8
    HM Support Patvs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by torig View Post
    Isn't that something that should be enhanced in HoldemManager? It should be able to tell that, in most cases, you won a free buy-in for that tournament. Hence, even if you do not finish ITM, it should grant the buy-in of that money as winnings (as to not skew your stats).
    Or am I mistaken?

    Often with satellites you win an entry to a very unique tournament.
    HoldemManager tries to support as many as possible (STEPS--> or if you win a ticket to the Sunday Million, or you win a $24 tournament ticket, etc.) but some satellites for example to a special MINI FTOPS tourney, and most FPP buyin tournies, you'll have to manually edit what you won exactly.

    The reason is in the summary file, it isn't stated what the value is what you won. It only states you won an entry to tournament #408010003.
    But HoldemManager has no way of knowing what that tournament is.
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