HUD Not displaying. Import working correctly.
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2009

    Default HUD Not displaying. Import working correctly.

    I installed HEM, then played some games on FTP, and it imported perfectly, and the HUD was working. I then paid for HEM, registered and tried playing again. The import continued to work properly, but in the Table Manager it showed all tables as having 0/9 players. When I clicked Find Tables, nothing came up in the list and the window did not have a little red "X" to click and drag.

    I then uninstalled HEM completely, deleted the RVG Software folder, then reinstalled. The software, and HUD functioned properly once again when I played. This was yesterday.

    I open up HEM today, and try to play again and I get the exact same issue as before, with import working properly and the HUD not functioning. I uninstalled yet again, deleted the RVG Software folder yet again, and installed HEM for the 3rd time. After this install it worked properly again.

    I am concerned that when I try to play again I am going to have the same issue all over.
    -I play on FTP
    -Import functions properly
    -I use Windows Vista
    -Both HoldemManager.exe and HMHud.exe are running as administrator.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Al1's Avatar
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    Can you try to create a new DB if it rehappens:

    Can you attach your holdemmanager.config file too.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2009


    Can the database still share a postgresql server with PT3?

    Here is the text from holdemmanager.config: (I replaced sensitive information with "xxxxx")
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <setting name="ConnectionString">SERVER=;PORT=5432;UID=postgres;PWD=xxxxx</setting>
    <setting name="CurrentDatabase">HoldemManager</setting>
    <setting name="CurrentReportFilter">IsTourney,IsTourney,EqualTo,false,True
    <setting name="CurrentSessionFilter">IsTourney,IsTourney,EqualTo,false,True
    <setting name="CurrentHandsFilter">IsTourney,IsTourney,EqualTo,false,True
    <setting name="CurrentGraphsFilter">IsTourney,IsTourney,EqualTo,false,True
    <setting name="CurrentVsPlayerFilter">IsTourney,IsTourney,EqualTo,false,True
    <setting name="CurrentPreflopFilter">IsTourney,IsTourney,EqualTo,false,True
    <setting name="CurrentPlayerID">0</setting>
    <setting name="DateRangeReport">AllHands</setting>
    <setting name="DateRangeHands">AllHands</setting>
    <setting name="DateRangeGraphs">AllHands</setting>
    <setting name="DateRangePreflop">AllHands</setting>
    <setting name="DateRangeSession">AllHands</setting>
    <setting name="DateRangevsPlayer">AllHands</setting>
    <setting name="LastReport"></setting>
    <setting name="AutoImportFolderList">C:\Program Files\Full Tilt Poker\HandHistory\xxxxx,True,True,C:\Program Files\Full Tilt Poker\HandHistory\xxxxx
    <setting name="LastArchiveFolder">C:\Program Files\Full Tilt Poker\HandHistory\xxxxx</setting>
    <setting name="LastImportFolder"></setting>
    <setting name="LastImportFileFolder"></setting>
    <setting name="MinimizeToSystemTray">False</setting>
    <setting name="PlayerNumberFilter">2:2,10
    <setting name="InsertStandardizedHandHistory">False</setting>
    <setting name="ObservedHandHistorySettings">ALL,3,False,True,6,False,True,3,600,False,True,6,600,False,True</setting>
    <setting name="AutoApplyFilterChangesToAllTabs">False</setting>
    <setting name="AutoImportHelpShown">False</setting>
    <setting name="AutoImportTimerDuration">5</setting>
    <setting name="HUDDateFilter">12</setting>
    <setting name="SessionTimeoutDuration">30</setting>
    <setting name="HUDIncludeOtherLimits">True</setting>
    <setting name="LaunchHUDWithAutoImport">True</setting>
    <setting name="DisableHUDStatsWhenNoHero">False</setting>
    <setting name="HeroPlayerIDs"></setting>
    <setting name="MinHandsFilter">0</setting>
    <setting name="GraphShowdownWinnings">False,Blue,1,Solid</setting>
    <setting name="GraphWinnings">True,DarkGreen,2,Solid</setting>
    <setting name="UseGraphicalCards">True</setting>
    <setting name="GraphAllInEv">True,DarkGreen,1,Dash</setting>
    <setting name="GraphNonShowdownWinnings">False,Red,1,Solid</setting>
    <setting name="GraphRakeback">False,DarkBlue,1,Solid</setting>
    <setting name="AutoRefreshCurrentTabDuration">0</setting>
    <setting name="AutoCloseTableManager">True</setting>
    <setting name="AutoRefreshReportsOnChange">True</setting>
    <setting name="LogDatabaseCommands">False</setting>
    <setting name="SolidGraph">False</setting>
    <setting name="ShowWinningRowColors">True</setting>
    <setting name="CheckForUpdates">True</setting>
    <setting name="PlayerSummaryView">Cash,NL|PL|LIM,ALL,2,10,01/01/2000,01/01/2020,1000,0,100,False,Default Stats</setting>
    <setting name="HoldemManagerPosition">Normal,0,0,1242,738</setting>
    <setting name="OngameDBDelay">15</setting>
    <setting name="HandsSectionFields">HandTimeStamp,StakesBlinds,HoleCards,PreflopPlayerAction,FlopCards,FlopPlayerAction,TurnCard,TurnPlayerAction,RiverCard,RiverPlayerAction,NetAmountWon,NetBBsWon,EVDifference,PositionType,PreflopActionFaced,PreflopVPIPPFR,AllInStreet,EVEquity,WinnerName,WinnerCards,WinnerWon</setting>
    <setting name="ReplayerSettings">3,True,True,True,True</setting>
    <setting name="ReplayerSkinToUse">Default Skin</setting>
    <setting name="MyDayStartsAt">0:00:00</setting>
    <setting name="DailyCompiledStats">True</setting>
    <setting name="PromptsShown">WinnerDetailsInHands,</setting>
    EDIT: I don't know how to preserve the code language, but if you click 'quote' for my reply, it all shows up
    Last edited by chubber911; 01-05-2009 at 10:59 PM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Al1's Avatar
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    Aug 2008


    It seems your auto-import folder for FTP is not correctly configured. You are archiving hands in the same folder than where hands come from.

    Delete your old auto-import configuration for FTP and recreate your FTP auto-import folder + archive folder:

    You can share the postgreSQL server but not the same DB.
    Last edited by Al1; 01-06-2009 at 12:24 AM.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2009


    This has not solved the issue.

    I yet again uninstalled, deleted the RVG Software folder, reinstalled, and now have it functioning properly.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    I have also tried creating a new database, but this doesn't solve the issue. Is anyone else with Vista experience similar issues???

    I really don't want to have to do a fresh install of the software every time I want to play poker.

    EDIT: Is there a link to an older version of HEM (v1.06?) that I could download and test out?

    EDIT#2: Also, thinking maybe it was a problem with the game type, I tried to use HEM when playing NL, Limit, and in a SNG at Full Tilt. Problem persists among all game types.
    Last edited by chubber911; 01-06-2009 at 10:49 PM.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2009


    1) What version of Holdem Manager are you using i.e 1.06.04 Beta 12 (not the latest Version)?
    Latest, v1.07

    2) What Poker Site are you playing on and does the problem occur on more than 1 site?
    I only play on FTP

    3) We Have detailed FAQ's that explain how to set it up for each site, its often 1 setting or 1 box not been ticked that causes the problem so follow these FAQs exactly and aknowledge that it is setup as per the FAQ:
    I have followed the set up FAQ

    4) Check to see if the Hand Histories are showing up in the correct folder. Go to Options > Configure Auto Import Folders and check the location of the folder HM checks for the Hand Histories. Then while playing go to that folder and see if new Hand Histories that correspond to the tables your playing are showing up. This is not relevant where the site uses a database like on Ongame or Prima.
    The hand histories are being created in the same folder that is set in Configure Auto Import Folders

    5) So by now you should have confirmed in answering each question that you have setup the folders correctly and the hands are appearing in the correct folder. Are the hands being imported into Holdem Manager?

    6) Have you tried the Table Finder and did it work?
    Table Finder does not work. It give me an error window saying there are no unattached tables (or something to that extent) and the list is blank, despite me actively playing at tables.

    7) If you open the HH are they written in English, they should be btw?
    They are written in English

    Everything works fine after a fresh install and when HEM is run for the first time. But if I close and re-open HEM, HUD will not work until I do a fresh reinstall.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Well, I don't know what I've done now, but the HUD won't even work after a clean reinstall.

  9. #9
    Tech Support Manager morny's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Can you make sure UAC is disabled and then reboot after disabling it and if the problem persits then email and well do a Teamviewer session to fix the problem
    We welcome any feedback on any solutions we provide, this helps us to provide better quality solutions in the future.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2009


    Tried it with UAC enabled and disabled. Problem persists.

    I'll email you. Thanks.

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