Will there be an update to make HEM3 properly grab / display HUD stats for CoinPoker now that HUDs are allowed?
Will there be an update to make HEM3 properly grab / display HUD stats for CoinPoker now that HUDs are allowed?
Last edited by fozzy71; 02-02-2025 at 10:00 AM. Reason: title con > coin
We can't try to support them natively until they start writing local hand history files when playing live. For now, the only way to get a HUD on live Coinpoker tables is with a 3rd party hand grabber. See this recent Discord thread about this same question here - https://discord.com/channels/9289965...48501511471105
Got it working, thanks! (Sorry, unsure how to delete the image in this post)
Last edited by fozzy71; 01-09-2025 at 03:04 PM. Reason: removed image
Hello. The thread on Discord is removed or unavailable, please tell me where I can look? Is it possible to already have a real-time HUD?
We only officially support the manual import of downloaded hands from their site/client - https://kb.holdemmanager.com/knowled...u#import-files
HM3 does not support a HUD for the CoinPoker Network sites natively as they do not write local hand history files, so you will have to use a 3rd party hand grabber/converter to auto-import hands during live play and use the HM3 HUD on that network:
- https://www.holdemmanager.com/hm3/converters/ - which are created and managed by - https://elitehud.com/
- https://www.advancedpokertools.com/p...okerConverter/
Note: Holdem Manager is not responsible for the functionality and support of tools provided by a 3rd party. If you have any issues at that site using their software please contact their support directly:
- help@elitehud.com
- https://www.advancedpokertools.com/contacts