total buy-in for iPOKER bounty or mystery MTTīs is wrongly calculated in reports.
Total buy-in is calculated as: Buy-in+fee+bounty fee and usually some fee part is missing even it is is the import file. Strange is, that in different MTTīs different part of teh fee is missing.
in the mystery 2EUR one of the 0,91 is missing (1st or 2nd position of the fee in the import file)
This is, how it looks like in the report:
Screenshot 2024-12-28 163028.png
And this is the information in import file:
Screenshot 2024-12-28 163216.png
while in the mystery 5EUR the 0,45 is missing (3rd position of the fee in the import file)
This is the report:
Screenshot 2024-12-28 163840.png
and this is the import file
Screenshot 2024-12-28 163918.png
The problem is, the report is showing nonsense in terms of spent money, ROI...etc.
Already reported this issue in august and still not solved. Do you have an idea, when this will be solved?
Kind regards