All-in Adj Plus Rakeback
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2009

    Default All-in Adj Plus Rakeback

    I did a search and didn't find any threads for this question. Is there a way to graph all-in adj plus rakeback? Right now I have All-in Adj, Net Won, and Rakeback, but in order to estimate all-in adj plus rakeback I have to eyeball (rakeback - net won) and add the approximate difference to the All-in Adj line.

    There should a be a single line that represents all-in adjusted total money made.

  2. #2
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    HM Support


    This feature request has been documented in detail and provided to the developers for future consideration. *If you want to be notified if/when it is added please send an email via the 'Contact Support' link and include "Notify Me When HMT-4961 Is Resolved" in the subject line and body of the email.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2009


    I see HMT-4961 referred to in two threads:

    In the first thread, which is older, HMT-4961 is referred to with this subtitle:

    HMT-4961 - Report Stat Request: Winnings + Rakeback

    I am not requesting a line for Winnings + Rakeback, which already exists. I want to see All-in Adj + Rakeback.

    Also, HMT-4961 is apparently over four years old.

    This seems like a rather basic feature that should already exist. Can the developers just...add it? It's like ten years overdue.

  4. #4
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    HM Support


    There are many comments in that ticket, and one of them is what you asked for even though it is not referenced in the title.

    In late 2022, we endeavored to implement all the requested statistical and graphical changes internally; however, this turned out to be challenging, necessitating a reversal of those changes. The feature request remains on our To-Do list, yet there is currently no projected timeline for revisiting it. It will probably need to be segmented into several smaller tickets by our QA Manager, allowing our developers to tackle the changes in stages rather than simultaneously.

    I added a link to this thread, and a direct copy/paste of your comments from here into that ticket so that they can be addressed when/if we attempt to work on this again in the future.

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