HUD data after support license expiration
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2024

    Default HUD data after support license expiration


    My annual support has expired and ever since I can't see my results.
    During a session, HUD works but new hands won't count towards HUD and it only shows the stats from the data before the support license expired.

    As I'm reading the FAQ, it says even after the support license expired I can use it without any restrictions. Is this problem caused by on my end or do I actually have to pay an annual fee to get new hands into my database?


  2. #2
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    HM Support


    If your Support & Maintenance (S/M) plan expired your 'Max HM3 Version' you can use without restriction is the previous stable version that was released before the expiration. If you are using a newer version of HM3 that was released after your expiration, you are switched over to a 'Free' license which limits you to 500 hands in the reports, and only 1 HUD on micro-stakes which you read more about here -

    If your Support & Maintenance (S/M) plan has expired, you can download the previous stable version from the HM3 menu: 'Help' - 'My Licenses...' - 'Reinstall Old Version' link.
    - After installing the previous version, make sure to disable the following options in the Tools - Settings - General - [ ] 'Check for Updates' and [ ] 'Prompt for beta updates'.
    - This will prevent update prompts until you choose to renew your S/M plan.
    - For more details about the S/M plans, please visit our 'Annual Support & Maintenance Plans' FAQ here -

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