HM3 WORKS with Coin poker ?
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Exclamation HM3 WORKS with Coin poker ?


    I have the latest version of HM3.

    I would like to know if it works with coin Poker.

    1) I click on Tools / Site Setting / Coin Poker

    2) I can not find the auto import folders..., auto detect do not work.
    I only find C:\CoinPoker\data

    3) I do not know where the hands are stored on my computer

    Could someone help ?

    I do not care if hud is disable, i just want to have and could review cash results.



  2. #2
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    I am sorry but it doesn't help.
    How can i do precisely to make HM3 (full version and updated) work with Coin Poker plz ?
    Explain me in details.

  4. #4
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nagash View Post
    I am sorry but it doesn't help.
    How can i do precisely to make HM3 (full version and updated) work with Coin Poker plz ?
    Explain me in details.
    My understanding is that HM3 and CoinPoker work together, in the same way that HM3 and GGPoker are able to work together. Read the instructions below for how HM3 and GG work together, but every time you see 'GG Poker' in the instructions below, replace that in your head with 'CoinPoker'.

    GG Poker Network sites do not write hands live while playing because they do not allow a HUD. This is why they are not listed in the HM3 - Tools - 'Site Settings...' menu.

    GG Poker skins allow you to download the hands later from the 'PokerCraft' menu in their software then you can manually import those hand history and tournament summary files to HM3 via the HM3 - File - Import Files/Folder options.* You want to download and import the Hand History (HH) files first, then you can import the Tournament Summary (TS) files from the same tournaments/dates so that HM3 can detect the final finish/results for the hands you imported for that tournament.

    - Hand History Files -
    - Tournament Summaries -

    Note: GG Poker writes your hero screen name in the anonymous hand history files as 'Hero' as shown in the first linked image below. If you want to see your anonymous opponent names in the Player Select menu and Reports for review you need to toggle on a setting to see those names as shown in the other 2 linked images.
    Make sure you have the proper 'Hero' screen name selected -

    If you continue to have problems, please try all the steps in this FAQ -

    If none of that helps, we ask that you follow the instructions at the end of the guide linked above. You can zip* and email us the original hand histories and tournament summaries related to the problem, and we will do our best to help you further.

    To ensure a smooth process, please attach screenshots of your reports and filters and provide a detailed description of any errors that need to be tested. Please include the tournament number, session, hole cards, filter, and statistics. We appreciate your cooperation.

    *When sending any files please zip them (select all files with CTRL+A > right-click > send to > compressed folder) before attaching them to an email. *If the attachment is larger than 250MB please upload them to a file hosting site and copy/paste the download link directly into the support ticket email.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Thank you for helping :

    You wrote : GG Poker skins allow you to download the hands later from the 'PokerCraft' menu in their software

    I can not find PokerCraft menu in Coin Poker software... it doesn't exist or plz help again.

    I can not acess to your links for ggpoker cause you have to have already an account to log in.

  6. #6
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    I am sorry for the confusion. GG and Coin are two different sites, on two different platforms. I only posted that for reference. I do not know how to download hands from Coin as I don't play there, and our developers only just recently added import support for that network. I have never played at GG either, but I have had customers tell me how they downloaded the hands to be able to create that canned reply above. We have supported the import of GG hands for years, but we do not provide any FAQs on how to import from that site.

    You will need to contact Coin Poker support and ask them how to download your hands, then you can use the HM3 - 'File' menu options to import the downloaded hand history files/folder -

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    I have found a solution.
    You have to mail the support of coin poker.

    They send you an email with all the HH in a compressed file.
    Then you can import with hm3 (after having decompressed the folder of course).

    It seen to work like this, thank's for help.

  8. #8
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nagash View Post
    I have found a solution.
    You have to mail the support of coin poker.

    They send you an email with all the HH in a compressed file.
    Then you can import with hm3 (after having decompressed the folder of course).

    It seen to work like this, thank's for help.
    Thank you for the update; it clarifies what I should inform the next inquiring customer.

    P.S. HM3 can import *.zip files provided they contain hands from only one 'Hero' at a single 'Site'. If the zip file is manually created (e.g., zipping your entire archive with hands from multiple sites), HM3 will import only the hands from the first hero/site combination it encounters and will NOT import any other hands from different hero names or sites within the zip file.

    When you next download hands from Coin Poker in a zip file, try importing the file directly without extracting it, as demonstrated in this test with my 2024 PokerStars archive that I zipped for this purpose.



  9. #9
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    Have you managed to upload coinpoker hand histories to holdem manager like this?

  10. #10
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iseekglory View Post
    Have you managed to upload coinpoker hand histories to holdem manager like this?
    I have manually imported downloaded hand history files that customers have sent us for various bug reports.

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