Что нажать, чтобы сохранить все!!! настройки hm3, попапы, худы...в общем всё, к чему я прикасался в hm3 ! всё нужно сохранить, для дальнейшего импорта.
Что нажать, чтобы сохранить все!!! настройки hm3, попапы, худы...в общем всё, к чему я прикасался в hm3 ! всё нужно сохранить, для дальнейшего импорта.
Unfortunately, I am not sure what you are trying to describe. What specifically are you doing or changing that is not being saved? Which Operating System, Firewall, and AntiVirus are you using?
Which specific site/games are you having HUD problems at? Can you see the recent/current hands for the player in the Reports or Live Play view when playing?
Please see our HUD Troubleshooting FAQ and if you continue to have problems please send the requested screenshots, logs, and hand history files in a new support ticket as instructed at the end of the FAQ.
He just asks how to export all settings(hud, popups etc.) at once.
Is Sarec on vacation?)
Thank you for the assistance in translation.
- You can make a backup of the active database and settings at any time by using the Tools - 'Backup Database...' menu then restore it using the Tools - 'Restore Database...' option.
- Individual HUD Profiles can also be exported from the HUD - HUD Editor - Options button menu.
- All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. By default, your \HM3Archive is in C:\HM3Archive, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Network\Month\DayOfMonth (example: C:\HM3Archive\SiteName\HM3Archive\2016\07\31). It is configured in the Tools - Settings - Import menu.
- You can also export your player notes and/or your hands from the HM3 - 'Tools' menu.
If you also want to manually backup the database/settings files:
- Your actual uncompressed HM3 databases are stored in C:\Users\{UserName}\Documents\Holdem Manager 3\Databases\.
- Your personalized HM3 settings/files are stored in C:\Users\{UserName}\AppData\Roaming\Max Value Software\Holdem Manager\3.0\.
- If you can't see it, turn off the windows option that is hiding that directory.
Unfortunately, Sarek has not worked with us since January so I have to use DeepL or Google to translate all RU questions and answers now.