(Beta Release - May 18th, 2024)
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  1. #1
    HM Q.A & Testing Manager random's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default (Beta Release - May 18th, 2024) (Beta Release - May 18th, 2024) is now available!

    The latest beta build can be downloaded using beta auto-update in HM3 (Settings > Prompt for the beta update, then Help > Check for updates) or through this download link.

    Full release notes available here.

    • Correctly display busy cursor while the Database Backup & Upgrade option is active.
    • Do not display the available updates prompt until the database is successfully opened.
    • Updated the internal browser engine.

    Site Settings
    • Resolved an issue where automatically detected folders would not be displayed until a restart.
    • Resolved an error that could occur when adding auto-import folders to a new site.

    Hand Viewer
    • Resolved an issue with split pot logic.

    Poker Sites
    • PokerStars: Resolved an issue with incorrect prize pool calculation.

    • Added currency symbols for all supported currencies.
    • Resolved an issue with replaying PokerTime hands.
    • Resolved issues with split pots and cash outs.

  2. #2
    HM Q.A & Testing Manager random's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Asd456f View Post
    [Banned Link Spammer but leaving our post for reference]
    Hi Asd,

    The issue involved scenarios where multiple participants were incorrectly marked as winners who had cashed out but didn't actually win the hand. This problem was evident in the dropdown menu listing the hands, where some hands were mistakenly labeled as Split Pots.

    We have now refined the logic to align better with the split pot logic used in our reports and filters. Consequently, split pots should now be detected consistently across all areas.
    Last edited by fozzy71; 05-22-2024 at 11:15 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012



    several things:

    1. The money added still doesn't appear in the replayer in Winamax Escape! hands. This makes very difficult to analyze these hands.

    I informed about this issue 2 releases ago:


    2. Filters for different amounts of money added could be great too.

    3. HM3 still crashes when Windows enters sleep mode.

    Thank you.

  4. #4
    HM Q.A & Testing Manager random's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Krovikhan View Post

    several things:

    1. The money added still doesn't appear in the replayer in Winamax Escape! hands. This makes very difficult to analyze these hands.

    I informed about this issue 2 releases ago:


    2. Filters for different amounts of money added could be great too.

    3. HM3 still crashes when Windows enters sleep mode.

    Thank you.
    Hi Krovikhan, good to see you!

    1) Money added to the pot (for tables such as Winamax Escape! is coming soon, we had to prepare specifications on it to insert the data into hand history format and it is waiting to be implemented. We expect it to be ready for release within 1 or 2 stable releases.

    2) Sounds like a reasonable request, I dont think we have it documented yet, I will do that so we can add it at some point. Probably also a corresponding stat in the hands view columns to see the amounts added for each hand and sorting by it?

    3) That one is on our list to resolve, but it is a complex issue and is still waiting to be worked on.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    Hello, good to see you too!

    1. This was right on the past. It was since the release after Winamax changed name from Hold-Up to Escape! when it became a problem and the replayer stopped showing the right amount.

    2. Yeah, exactly like that.

    3. I've changed my pc's power management just because of this avoiding it to enter sleep mode. I hope it could be solved sooner than later.

    Thank you very much for your work.

    Have a good day!

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