All in hand. Why All-in Adj Diff is zero?
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  1. #1
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    Default All in hand. Why All-in Adj Diff is zero?

    Three players all in preflop and All-in Adj Diff is zero. Am i missing something here?

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  2. #2
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    It was because 'Villain 1' in the 9 o'clock seat called the short-stack shove and then folded* to the larger rejam.

    HM3 uses the same equity code as PT4 now which is more accurate and less biased than the code we used for equity in HM2. *In a hand where a player is all-in but other players are not, net adjusted results are not calculated. *When one player is all-in preflop and other players are not, they usually have the option to act post-flop, which means that sometimes one of them will fold. *Having the option to fold* after another street is dealt means that in the long run, more strong hands will get to showdown and fewer weak hands. *If we were to calculate net adjusted results in hands like this it would introduce a systematic bias (because there will be more known strong hands) so we exclude all hands like this from net adjusted calculations. *You can read more about this here -

    *Note: Attempting to calculate adjusted results when unknown but folded cards already called the all-in also introduces a bias into the results so HM3 does not make these calculations in any situation where a player calls the all-in and later folds (even if it's on the same street).

  3. #3
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    Thank you.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by fozzy71 View Post
    *Note: Attempting to calculate adjusted results when unknown but folded cards already called the all-in also introduces a bias into the results so HM3 does not make these calculations in any situation where a player calls the all-in and later folds (even if it's on the same street).[/B][/I]
    How the preflop dead money in the pot affect hand result that other players plays out?

  5. #5
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northernwind View Post
    How the preflop dead money in the pot affect hand result that other players plays out?
    That is explained in the blog I linked above. I can not explain it any better than that, as I am not a developer. Here is the link again -

  6. #6
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    I completely agree with this article. All-in EV statistics are never entirely accurate. And yes, we cannot calculate EV on different streets in multi-way situations when one player is already all-in. When the all-in and action occur between multiple players on a single street with no all-in or further actions after that, such situations can be calculated.

    Example 1: Hold'em, 6 players with 100 BB each. Everyone folds to the button, the button raises to 3.5 BB, the SB 3-bets, the BB folds, the button goes all-in, and the SB calls. Does HM3 calculate all-in EV for this hand? Yes, it does. Will it be 100% accurate? No, it won’t. We don’t know the hands of the players who folded, and they are not random.

    Example 2: Hold'em, 6 players with 100 BB each. Everyone folds, CO limps, the button raises to 4.5 BB, the SB 3-bets, BB folds, CO folds, the button goes all-in, and the SB calls. Does HM3 calculate all-in EV for this hand? Yes, it does.

    Example 3: Hold'em, 6-max, 5 players with 100 BB each, with BB holding a 2 BB stack. Everyone folds, CO limps, the button raises to 4.5 BB, SB 3-bets, BB calls, CO folds, the button goes all-in, and the SB calls. Does HM3 calculate all-in EV for this hand? No, it doesn’t.

    Example 4: A hand from this topic. No, it doesn’t calculate because the result would not be accurate. 99.3%. Was it accurate before? No, it wasn’t—99.5%.

    Example 5: Screenshot.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by fozzy71 View Post
    *When one player is all-in preflop and other players are not, they usually have the option to act post-flop, which means that sometimes one of them will fold. *Having the option to fold* after another street is dealt means that in the long run, more strong hands will get to showdown and fewer weak hands. *
    In topic hand there is no option to act post-flop for any player. Why All in equity not calculated?

  8. #8
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northernwind View Post
    In topic hand there is no option to act post-flop for any player. Why All in equity not calculated?
    In the OP: Villain1 called the all-in from short-stack Villain4 preflop, then folded to the reshove preflop.

    *Note: Attempting to calculate adjusted results when unknown but folded cards already called the all-in also introduces a bias into the results so HM3 does not make these calculations in any situation where a player calls the all-in and later folds (even if it's on the same street).

    ^ This was posted before I saw your moderated post above, which I have not reviewed yet.

    When you say "In topic hand" were you referring to the GIF in the OP? Or one of the hands/examples you posted?
    Last edited by fozzy71; 11-06-2024 at 01:38 PM.

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