How Can Import/export the Saved Filters?
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default How Can Import/export the Saved Filters?

    How Can Import/export the Saved Filters?


  2. #2
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    HM Support


    Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to export/import filters like you can with player notes. This feature request has been documented in detail and provided to the developers for future consideration.

    *HMT-5061 - Add export/import feature for custom/saved filters*

    If you want to be notified when it is fixed please send an email via the HM3 - Help - '*Send Feedback*' system and include "*Notify Me When HMT-5061 Is Resolved*" in the feedback message.

    Some current ways to share filters would be:

    a) You can load a single filter in a report then left-click in the Auto Complete Filter field at the top of the report and click 'Ctrl+A' to highlight the filter and then click 'Ctrl+C' to copy the filter text to your Windows Clipboard. You would then need to right-click the \Desktop or some other File Explorer directory on your computer and select New > 'Text Document' and then open the new text document and click 'Ctrl+V' to paste the filter code to the document. Save the document and share that document so your friend can reverse the steps to copy the filter from the text file and paste it into the HM3 Auto Complete Filter field at the top of his reports and Apply/Save it.

    b) You can share your C:\Users\UserName}\AppData\Roaming\Max Value Software\Holdem Manager\3.0\Config\SavedFilters.filters file with your friend for him to load into his installation, or he can copy/paste the saved filter code from your file to his file.

    If you can't see it, turn off the windows option that is hiding that directory -

    Here is an example of how the code looks for some of my SavedFilters.filters file:

    3BAIPF PFAF Raiser,RaiserPlusCallers|ThreeBetAllinPreflop=false and PreflopActionFacingPlayer=(Raiser,RaiserPlusCallers)|10/18/2023 12:56:31
    facing squeeze as raiser filter|FacingSqueezeAsRaiser=true|11/17/2023 15:07:59
    RFI |RaiseFirstAction=true and FacingUnopenedPotPreflop=true|01/17/2024 14:04:46
    The format for the code on each line is: 'Saved Filter Name'|'Actual HMQL Filter Code'|'Date and Time Filter was saved'

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