It seemed like a simple sequence: Defend vs 3Bet after raise in postflop (note outpu percentage+averagestrength)
Hero: Bet
Recipient: raise
Hero: 3Bet
Recipient: (Fold+Action had to NOT happen)
logically the output of the sequence must be like this:
output= instances.(Fold+Action had to NOT happen)/Opportunities.(Fold+Action had to NOT happen)
notecaddy notecaddy in this case, makes a mistake, better to say skips a sequence.
output= instances.(Fold+Action had to NOT happen)/instances.raise
and I really don't understand why he doesn't consider/skip Opportunities.(Fold+Action had to NOT happen)
I can solve the problem with composite definition (100-Foldto3Bet), but I would like to have everything in one note (percentage+postflop charts).