Maximum number of opponents note tabs
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Maximum number of opponents note tabs


    I've notice I can't have more than 8 Notecaddy tabs in the Player Notes. It means 9 tabs = 1 Notes tab (Handmade) + 8 NC tabs from Notecaddy (default ones are: PF, F, T & R)

    It seems like there is a maximum number of Player Notes tabs.

    Am I right?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    Jan 2012



    That is correct if Im understanding you right. If you can post a screenshot of your Player Notes it would help me get a better view of what you are trying to achieve.

    The Player Notes tab was not thought out to be an aglomerate of all notes but more of a summary of the top tendencys of a player. Usually we use a stat and a popup with the notes specific to it so the info is spread out in the HUD in a organized way. ie. CB stat with Flop notes popup.

    This is not mandatory as every player has it´s own idea and way of configuring the software and there is enough room for many different types of configurations.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    Thank you very much for the information.

    Now I understand the way I should use the popups to aglomerate the stats.

    It's far more useful than using the tabs.

    Thank you.

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