Pop up windows not being displayed when used in PrefixedBadges
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Pop up windows not being displayed when used in PrefixedBadges


    I use some PrefixedBadge stats in my HUD and assign pop up windown to them but in HM3 it wont show the pop up windows but an orange sign saying "name of player" PrefixedBadge.

    I assigned the pop up windows using the instructions here:

    I know the feature does work because it does pop up windows properly when i assign the windows to regular stats, but i want those to be gotten from the Badges i use in my HUD.

    This is the sign that appears when clicking the badges:


  2. #2
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    Jan 2012



    The popups should not work with badges. Only the stats and the resulting Notecaddy window with the notation and caddyscatters will show when clicking on a badge.

    I did test and the notations/scatters are not showing when using a prefixedbadge. I got the same result as you.
    Then i tested using the NC.orderedbadges, when clicking on the badge it produces the notation with the scatters.

    So this is not the expected behaviour for the prefixedbadges. It should at least produce the notation and scatters.

    But to answer directly to your question. Popups should work with stats or some element of the HUD you can configure to show a popup.

    Badges will always refer to the used statistics to produce the notation with scatter when clicked on.

    Hope this clears your doubt.

    Best wishes,


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Okay i will add the pop windows to some stats and get used to it, not a big deal.


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