Note Caddy problem bei einem hochauflösenden Monitor
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2023

    Default Note Caddy problem bei einem hochauflösenden Monitor

    Heutzutage sind hochauflösende Monitore nicht unüblich also wieso werden die Notizen von Caddy so extrem klein angezeigt, dass man das quasi gar nicht nutzen kann.

    American Card Room.jpg

  2. #2
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    Jan 2012



    This is a known issue that is documented and forwarded to the developers for a fix.

    At the moment there is no way to make the fonts a lot bigger. The settings in Notecaddy will only make the boxes larger, not the fonts. To scale up the notes fonts the workaround possible is changing the Windows DPI settings for that specific monitor.

    From the screenshot it seems you are using a table in full screen. When using a tiled setup of tables in smaller size, as when multitabling, the notes size should be a lot more adjusted to the expected size according to the remaining of the HUD. When in full screen the issue is exacerbated without a doubt.

    If possible submit to us a support ticket about this issue. Attach the log files and let us know some specific information as:
    - the size/resolution of the screen.
    - Windows DPI current settings.
    - A few screenshots showing the issue in different situations (ie. big size table, small size table. with full screen as background to have a comparision to measure.

    I will make sure to submit more information about this issue in the open ticket so to bump it with the developers.

    Best wishes,


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