HEM not importing specific hands
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    Default HEM not importing specific hands

    I am not sure if this is a HEM issue or a BetMGM PA issue. It appears that some of the larger hands are not being imported. I believe almost every hand is being tracked, but I know I am missing a some all in hands. After talking with a few other players, it appears that it is hands that are all in pre flop where the hero has the villain covered. Has anyone else seen this? Is there a way to get this corrected and added to the DB?


  2. #2
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    HM Support


    There was a bug in HM3 caused by a changed in the Party hand history format that we just fixed in beta

    Please update to our latest beta version of HM3 from this link.

    You will have to 'force reimport' all your hands from July through today after you update. All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM3Archive is in C:\HM3Archive by default, but you may have configured it anywhere in the HM3 - Tools - Settings - Import menu. The archive should be organized by \Network\Month\DayOfMonth (example: C:\HM3Archive\PokerStars\2022\07\23). It is configured in the Tools - Settings - Import menu.

    Toggle on the HM3 - Tools - Settings - Import - [x] 'Allow reimport of hand histories' then import the files again using the HM3 - File - Import Folder/Files options. See the linked images below:

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