Ignition Hand Grabber Startup Order
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Ignition Hand Grabber Startup Order

    I am confused on what order I load up HEM and the Bovada client. Sometimes the grabber works and sometimes it doesn't. I open HEM before Bovada client, is this the correct order? Also I have auto import on on startup, should I turn this off and click on it manually once I join a table on bovada?

    Also, how do I reset my hero stats each time when I open a new table? I have to do it manually each time in the HUd config -> reset stats.


  2. #2
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JamesYang View Post
    I am confused on what order I load up HEM and the Bovada client. Sometimes the grabber works and sometimes it doesn't. I open HEM before Bovada client, is this the correct order?
    - Close your poker clients, close HM3 and right-click - 'Exit' the HM3 Server icon in the Windows Notification Tray.
    - Restart HM3 and make sure HM3 and the HM3 Server (Auto Import/HUD) is fully started.
    - Launch your poker client(s).

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesYang View Post
    Also I have auto import on on startup, should I turn this off and click on it manually once I join a table on bovada?
    It should be fine to have it set to auto start in the settings.

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesYang View Post
    Also, how do I reset my hero stats each time when I open a new table? I have to do it manually each time in the HUd config -> reset stats.

    Is this on cash tables or tournaments? I just tested 2 cash tables and could not reproduce the issue you described as you can see in the attached image.


    If you continue to have problems:

    - Please reproduce the problem and screenshot the table/desktop before and after the problems. In the Ignition Hand Grabber (IHG) 'Status' window click the ‘Gear’ icon and select ‘Create Support Bundle’ and send that to us in a support ticket with screenshots of the tables/problems.
    - If the attachment is larger than 10MB please upload them to a file hosting site wetransfer or filedropper and copy/paste the download link directly into the support ticket email. Please see this FAQ for more detailed instructions.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Thank you, closing the hm3 server icon in windows tray worked.

    Is there a way to automatically close the windows tray when you exit hm3? When I x out of hem3 I would like to exit out of the windows tray as well.

  4. #4
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JamesYang View Post
    Thank you, closing the hm3 server icon in windows tray worked.

    Is there a way to automatically close the windows tray when you exit hm3? When I x out of hem3 I would like to exit out of the windows tray as well.
    By default the HM3 Server will not close when you close the HM3 client. This is so you can still import hands and use the HUD even if the software is closed. When HM3 and the server are both closed you can get HM3 to this state using the 'HM3 HUD Only' desktop or start menu shortcut.

    If you want the import server to close when you close the main HM3 window you have to disable your Tools - Settings - General option to [ ] 'Keep HM3 running in HUD only mode upon exit'.

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