please someone fix it already!!!
please someone fix it already!!!
Hello lio,
Let me ask you a few questions so I can help. Im using the same version of both HM3 and NC and its working fine on my end.
- Did you enable Notecaddy after starting HM3? (Its easy to forget, I did the same error when testing before I answer you). APPS - Enable Notecaddy
- Try with the "default definitions" and "default HUD" Do those badges work after recreating notes for them?
- Are you using a HM3/NC coaching package definitions and HUD or a HM2 imported HUD with custom definitions?
Let me know if with these questions you can sort it out or with the answers to those I can help you get it going as it should by now.
Best wishes,
Hi thanks for the help
I try - disable/enable it doesn't work
I try to - reset NC
i try - delete: C:\Users\[WINDOWS_LOGIN]\AppData\Roaming\Max Value Software\Holdem Manager\3.0\AppsData\NoteCaddy.
I tried to redownload.
I even reset my computer, and still... nothing.
All the packages are downloaded from the "manage my ultimate packs" in NC premium app inside HM3.
This doesn´t make much sense. Lets try something simple.
- Uninstall all other packages and install only the "default definitions"
- Using the "default HUD" in replayer, hoover over one of the non working badges and take a screenshot with the message it says there. Post it here please.
If you need to try again: When making this step - delete: C:\Users\[WINDOWS_LOGIN]\AppData\Roaming\Max Value Software\Holdem Manager\3.0\AppsData\NoteCaddy. - make sure you also close the "Holdem Manager Server" in the bottom right corner of desktop before deleting/moving that folder.
Please send me that screenshot so I can try to understand what is going on on your side.
Best wishes,
I did everything, nothing work...
*badges on the HUD 'cash nm3'- the badges works only on a small number of hands, and in the big data, it just crashes.
*Breakthrough' and 'notecaddy' cash.3 -the budgets are not working at all.
Thank you.defult1.pngdefult11.png
Last edited by lio; 12-06-2021 at 06:52 AM.
From both those pictures the HUDs seems to be working as expected. The badges popup when they are required only. And the NC.stat with 0/0 its from a player with 6 hands history. Could very well not have any showdown hands yet.
Make sure you are running the latest versions of HM3(v3.1.21) and NC(v.2.9.9019). A lot of issues similar to what you are reporting have been fixed in the latest updates.
That said, if you have an instance where it crashes please use the crash report option to send us the information and log files.
All information you can add to that ticket is welcome.
-What pokerooms you are playing on?
-Cash or MTT?
-How many hands in the Database?
Please open a support ticket and send those log files for us to have a look why it is crashing.
Best wishes,
We talk about 200000 hands.... it doesn't work!
even after I reset my computer and made the setup from the start, it still did not work
I play on chico network
most cash
I'm sending the log files
thank you
I have same problem !
I'll try the solution
This issue is fixed by now in NCv.29.9020. Please update NC and reimport the packages and recreate notes. The badges should show now.
Best wishes,