sos! Notecddy stop appearing since the last update in hm3 menu
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Unhappy sos! Notecddy stop appearing since the last update in hm3 menu

    I tried the - Delete the folder

    C:\Users\{YOUR_WINDOWS_LOGIN}\AppData\Roaming\Max Value Software\Holdem Manager\3.0\Apps\NoteCaddy

    and it doesn't help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Exclamation problem after the new update

    notecaddy does not show up on hm3 menu sens the last update.

    I try - Delete the folder

    C:\Users\{YOUR_WINDOWS_LOGIN}\AppData\Roaming\Max Value Software\Holdem Manager\3.0\Apps\NoteCaddy

    not working...

    after few minutes its finally get in and a weird message shows up -!Ap4AgwR-hJbhg-Vc...pMKhQ?e=gHqFMb

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Angry Please help. I'm trying to play all day, and I cant. What is going on?

    Please help. I'm trying to play all day, and I cant. What is going on?

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Same here. I have not been able to use the program for two days. The support for this program is quite disgraceful.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    Jan 2012



    We are aware of this issue. This not a software bug related to the new version and there is no troubleshooting steps we can take at the moment. The ( home of notecaddy ) website is down and the developers are working non stop to get it back up.

    I don´t have any more specific information to give at this time but will follow this closely and post any relevant info or ETA for this getting fixed.

    I´m sorry about this, it just happened out of nowhere.


  6. #6
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Hello again,

    As promised I´m updating this as I get new info.

    The issue started at the host of the Notecaddy website, not the site itself. Seems all websites on that host are offline as they are migrating stuff. That went horribly wrong as it shows.

    On top of that, the content of the site itself is locked until the host is able to get it availiable for the devoloper of Notecaddy. Rest assured that the developer is taking all steps necessary to avoid this kind of thing from happening in the future.

    This is a situation completely out of our control, but still we would like to apologize for the downtime and assure you that from what is within our control we are working to get everything online as soon as possible.

    Will keep you updated as soon as I have more info.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    thank you for the update!

    how much time its going to take? we tlking about hours? days? weeks?

    this thing is so baddd

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Is there any possibility from notecddy to upload packages of the last months that we can import and play after all the problems that happen all the time?

    Please, it's imported!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Someone? Support?
    We need more responses In these crazy situations, and you come back after days.
    It's very, very disappointing the support you are giving us.
    Take care of your customers.

  10. #10
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    Jan 2012



    Unfortunatly the old host still did not give access to the backups and all the files needed to migrate the site to a new host. Until this happens we cannot complete the migration to a working host.

    As we speak the developer is finding ways to get things going as good as possible given the context. Expect a new build to be released that will help some issues of validating NC and definitons to be avaliable soon.

    Using a pre existing package and or definitions should be possible. Please check the: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Max Value Software\Holdem Manager\3.0\AppsData\NoteCaddy\definitions and the backups folder. These should have the definitions already in the folder or a backup with all the definitions at the date of the backup ready to use.

    For new users and/or if trying to download a package: As soon as the "new" site is up and running all the packages and functionality will be availiable. In the mean time we are trying to gather info and compile the packages from all sources to make it availiable as soon as possible even if the "old" host doesnt provide us the the required files and backups.

    I am following this issue closely and will post everytime I have any relevant information. I understand the impact of this issue and we are focusing our efforts on everything we can do to overcome it. Im sorry I didn´t answer earlier but there was nothing new to add until now.

    Best wishes,


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