notcaddy PROBLEM with definition compilation
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Angry notcaddy PROBLEM with definition compilation

    It cant be like that, I cant play normally with hm3 because notcaddy! all the time have problems, and I'm losing money because all of that!!!
    the update 2.9.996.0 was great everything was finally good and even badges back to work, but now the problem again.

    when I make reset to the notes or even without reset notcaddy writing - "compiling not definition. it may take a few second.." and nothing happens is just stuck for days no matter what I'm doing.

    Please make an end to all these problems because I just buy products that do not work probably 50% of the time!!Ap4AgwR-hJbhg-Rqxj3lNAjyNQ6z0w

    ***stats do not show up in HUD for some player AGAIN after it was fixed in Version 996.0!
    NOTECADDY! please make an end to all these problems.
    Last edited by lio; 07-25-2021 at 07:16 AM.

  2. #2
    NoteCaddy sreticentv's Avatar
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    No direction but to trust the final destination


    Sorry for the inconvenience. The issue with the compilation was supposed to be fixed in v997 but I see now that it is not in at least some cases.

    Do you have a file C:\Users\{YOUR_WINDOWS_LOGIN}\AppData\Roaming\Max Value Software\Holdem Manager\3.0\Logs\NoteCaddy_Errors.log? If so can you paste a few lines from it here? I will make sure this gets fixed ASAP but any idea from the errors log file would be helpful.

    The definition compilation is pretty new and despite many hours of testing, has caused a few problems which I had very much hoped to avoid. There is a new feature (infinity definitions) under development that requires this and I believe will add a lot of value to NC.
    NoteCaddy Manual | Coaching Packs | Blog
    NoteCaddy experts: a.k.aAlso, Catalyst_Kh, Derders, karstenkloss, scoobediah (NoteCaddy Edge)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    thanx, a lot for the help.
    the log file is Attachment!Ap4AgwR-hJbhg-Rt...hGexw?e=D8OTqq

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    I have the same problem.
    Is there a way to use a previous version of notecaddy when everything was working fine?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2021



    Another great update for NC... I cant get it anymore, for how many times have you guys released a new version wich seems to fuck up tons of tons of stats and stuff for us who uses Hm3 and NC? OK if you are releasing new updates to make it work better, but its almost never it works after a new update. I think all of us who uses NC would be just fine with updates, as long as we are able to rollback to previous version until the latest version is fixed. This is so frustrating, And I dont even know why Im using Hm3 anymore, and I dont know why im trying to help you guys out time after time with all kind of different bugs....Im blowing my brain out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Are these guys still in biz even? Have not gotten an answer to my questions yet. It's sad how everything has fallen in poker, I was a big fan of notecaddy and the guys there as they were always super helpful and nice and it was great software on hm2. Now on hm3 and you can't even get the free trial to work.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by philliivey View Post
    Are these guys still in biz even? Have not gotten an answer to my questions yet. It's sad how everything has fallen in poker, I was a big fan of notecaddy and the guys there as they were always super helpful and nice and it was great software on hm2. Now on hm3 and you can't even get the free trial to work.
    The same feeling. It seems that NC is frankly living out its last days. There is practically no support, the developers seem to mock us with each update, only adding problems, as if they are seeing the program code for the first time or doing it on purpose. Perhaps the reason for this was that the guys from HM3 did not listen well to the community, for years they did not add obvious things and the necessary functionality, and people left for competitors. It's hard to say, but I couldn't even upgrade to HM3 - it just doesn't work with some of the sites that HM2 does ...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2021


    And I dont understand why they deleted alot of functions in hm3 that was great in hm2.

    Small things tho, but still things I am still missing like 1. You dont have to click on the HUD to see the popups, just hover over the stat you want instead , and 2. see the sample-size in the HUD after each stat as long as it is under 99 opportunities. It pretty annoying that you have to hover over each stat every time you take a look at it, cause you have no idea about what sample-size you are looking at.

    Just thoose to things were things I was complaining about for about 1 year ago now, and they said they will fix it in the next update bla bla...but still nothing. Im so so so close to move over to h2n atm.

  9. #9
    NoteCaddy sreticentv's Avatar
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    No direction but to trust the final destination


    I'm not sure if we are still referring to the same problem the OP referred to. A fix was posted via the last build. For any other questions etc please create a new thread
    NoteCaddy Manual | Coaching Packs | Blog
    NoteCaddy experts: a.k.aAlso, Catalyst_Kh, Derders, karstenkloss, scoobediah (NoteCaddy Edge)

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