AA, Premium hands % not showing in popup
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    Default AA, Premium hands % not showing in popup

    I recently created a popup for my HM3 hud that shows stats like 3,4,5 bet is Premium % and is AA %. This worked day 1 only I believe, and now the stat is just showing a symbol - I can get a screen shot when I am back home. Does anyone know how to fix this so it shows the actual % vs just a default symbol? The same symbol is showing for all Premium and AA stats that I have in my pop ups.


  2. #2
    You're out! udbrky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Please reproduce the problem and:

    a) Take a screenshot of the table/desktop before and after the problems
    - Try to include the Live Play tab, Tools - Import details - Live Play and Errors, your poker client lobby and a browser page of this site visible in the screen shot.

    b) Click the 'Send Feedback' button from the left sidebar menu, or from the 'Help' menu at the top, and send your logs and config files with a detailed description of the problem.
    - Send the screenshots in the same/new support ticket the Send Feedback system generated for this issue. Here is a direct link to your My Tickets page.
    - Attach a copy of the original Hand history for the table with the issue*

    With all the above information we should be able to narrow down what is causing the issue. If all the information is not included we will need to email you again to request it.

    *All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM3Archive is in C:\HM3Archive by default, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Network\Month\DayOfMonth (example: C:\HM3Archive\SiteName\HM3Archive\2016\07\31). It is configured in the Tools - Settings - Import menu.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2021


    Thanks for the reply, Chris. Before I go in to that detail, something occurred to me... Could this be a Pokerstars issue where PS doesn't allow these stats to appear? If I look at the same opponent, the stat is not visible while at the table but it is visible in the HM3 replayer. This leads me to believe it is a restricted stat for PS. IF not, I will follow your instructions above.AA not showing.PNGAA showing.PNG

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2021


    Could this be a Pokerstars restriction? These stats are visible in the HM3 replayer but they are not visible at the live table. See the images. If it is not a PS restriction, then I will follow your direction above. Thanks.

    AA not showing.PNG
    AA showing.PNG

  5. #5
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    HM Support


    PokerStars imposed rules that greatly inhibit how HUDs can work. The changes can be viewed here and was discussed in detail in this thread when the rules were originally announced.

    These features that will no longer work on the live tables will still work in the replayer for the hands played at Stars and Full Tilt as long as the poker client is closed.

    The latest restrictions from the new 04Mar2019 rule change are: 3+ Bet Premium stats, NASH Popups, and TableScanner can't be used on live tables, and the HUD Options - Tournament Stacks filters are not allowed to update automatically.

    NoteCaddy Restrictions on Full Tilt Poker and Pokerstars can be found here.

    We have changed other features in HM3 such as the HUD - HUD Editor > 'Color Ranges' so that only the first 3 colors/ranges will work on FTP/Stars tables.

    Amaya (PokerStars and Full Tilt) only allow 3 colors to be automatically assigned to a HUD stat. HM3 will only color stats based on the first two color ranges and all other stat values will have the default color. The default color is the one set to Foreground for the stat in the HUD Editor - you can change it there to whatever color you would like.

    What you need to do is set just two color conditions under "Color Ranges" and the third color will be the default color for the stat. This is the one set to Foreground for the stat in the HUD Profile Editor - you can change it there to whatever color you would like. The 3 color limit is per stat and not overall so, for example, you can use red/blue/green for VPIP and yellow/purple/pink for PFR e.t.c.

    For example:
    Set Foreground color to Green
    Set first Color Range to Orange for 40-70
    Set second Color Range to Red for 70-100

    Any number below 40 for that stat will be colored green.

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