HUD Pot Odds Calculator HEM3
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2021

    Default HUD Pot Odds Calculator HEM3

    Is there an option to have a pot odds calculator on the HUD for HEM3? I saw posts on this for HEM2, but I haven't been able to find anything for HEM3. Ideally, I would like the pot odds to be shown for each street as the hand plays out. Thanks.

  2. #2
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    HM Support


    Unfortunately we do not as HM3 (and HM2) do not have any live tracking features. HM2 had them originally but we disabled the 'Live Tracking' feature required to power them many years ago as it was only working on Stars at the time and they no longer allow such a feature. We do have a feature request to add a 'Live Tracking' feature to HM3 to power a positional HUD. If that is eventually developed it could also allow for live pot odds, a 'line taken HUD stat', etc to be developed after that. There is no estimate for if/when this live tracking engine might be coded to power these types of features.

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