Chico ответ саппорта по применению конвертер&#
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Chico ответ саппорта по применению конвертер&#

    Добрый день!
    Дайте пожалуйста комментарии к ответу саппорта сети чико по применению конверторов:
    Good Afternoon Sir

    I hope you are well

    Please kindly be advised we do allow some Third party software that are non-conflicting with other players , I have attached the full list of prohibited and allowed software for reference

    Third Party Software
    Whilst we understand and encourage players to use tools, that are designed to help you improve your game, certain tools used during game-play go beyond what we deem acceptable by providing players with an unfair advantage, facilitate collusion and outright cheating.

    The list of tools below, clarifies what is permitted and outright prohibited. Some tools are intended to help players improve their game, though when used whilst playing provide players an unfair advantage, these tools are categorized into the Prohibited whilst playing section.

    Tools not related to Poker
    The use of Virtual Machines and/or any software that specializes in screen-sharing and remote-access is prohibited. The use of a VPN is considered in all game play reviews and if it`s deemed to be used to circumvent our policies, appropriate action as listed in the Fair Play Policy will be taken.

    Permitted Software Categories
    (I) Basic Equity Calculators:
    That report pot odds or absolute hand strength.
    (II) Static Visualisation Charts:
    Provide basic-level advice about the game. Simple table-based starting hand charts that do not detect the current game state.
    (III) Heads Up Display:
    With qualitative and feature limitations imposed. Stats displayed must not be based on the current hand in play.
    (IV) Tracking Software:
    The data only contains information from hands in which you personally played in. Importing of observed hands is prohibited. The tracker does not mimic a feature of banned hud.
    (V) Gameplay Utility and Hotkey Scrips:
    Tools that improve your experience without influencing the game itself, do not provide any advice or reduce the requirements of a player having to decide. Any utility or script that falls out of this scope, are not permitted.

    Prohibited while playing
    (I) Reference material that provides advice that goes beyond a basic level, such as a large collection of tables offering recommendations beyond whether to play certain hands or not in unopened pots.
    (II) Tools or services designed specifically to ease referral to reference material.
    (III) Tools or services that compute advanced equity calculations, such as range vs range simulators, ICM or Nash Equilibrium-based programs.

    Prohibited Categories
    (I) Seating Scripts
    (II) Real Time Solvers, Bots, Assistance Software, Charts that either automate gameplay or provides recommendations on which gameplay actions to take.
    (III) Advanced Equity calculations, ICM or Nash Equilibrium-based programs.
    (IV) Timing Randomisers
    (V) Chart Retrievals
    (VI) Data Mining
    (VII) Hand History Converters.

    If the software is not specifically white listed above in Permitted or Prohibited while playing categories, consider it Prohibited.

    You agree that the poker room can take any steps necessary in order to detect and/or prevent the use of software, artificial intelligence or other tools. We reserve the right to close any account/s and/or confiscate funds from accounts found to use any software, artificial intelligence or any other tools, as stated.

    If you wish your software to be officially white listed, please send an email to describing the features of the software and details on how we can obtain it. Software list in the prohibited categories will not be considered.

    Should you require further assistance or information, please contact us by replying to this email or initiating a Live Chat.


    Customer Support Department

    С уважением

  2. #2
    Holdem Manager Support Sarek's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Eridani 40


    Переправил вопрос менеджменту. Когда сформулируют ответ - изложу здесь по-русски.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Есть хоть какая то реакция? а то люди волнуются

  4. #4
    Holdem Manager Support Sarek's Avatar
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    May 2010
    Eridani 40


    Вот оригинал английского ответа менеджмента:
    "We are not aware of any violation of the Chico terms of service that would result from the use of Hold'em Manager.
    While there are 3rd parties that have created hand converters for Chico, we do not sell them and HM3 does not include a hand converter for Chico.
    Questions about hand converters should be addressed to Chico or to the creator of the hand converter."
    А вот (уж как смог) его перевод:
    Нам не известны никакие нарушения правил сети Chico, которые бы оказали влияние на использование ХМ.
    При том, что сторонние конвертеры для Chico существуют, мы не продаём их и в состав ХМ3 не включен конвертер для Chico.
    Вопросы по конвертерам следует направлять сети Chico или создателям конвертера."
    Last edited by Sarek; 03-18-2021 at 01:39 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Я правильно понимаю:

    1. ХМ3 напрямую с чико не работает и работает только через конвертор
    2. ХМ3 официально не запрещен
    3. Конверторы на Чико по заявлению поддержки запрещены, хотя может это инициатива отдельного работника, и об этом менеджмент ХМ3 не удосужился выяснить!

    Вывод: использование онлайн ХМ3 для вывода Худа может привести к бану, и все риски его использования (с конвертором) менеджмент ХМ3 перекладывает на пользователя!?!

    Может в таком виде задать вопрос менеджменту ХМ3?

  6. #6
    Holdem Manager Support Sarek's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Eridani 40


    Перевел и передал по инстанции.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Какие вести с полей?

  8. #8
    Holdem Manager Support Sarek's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Eridani 40


    Ответ в итоге такой:
    Holdem Manager, which is tracking software, is permitted in the rules that you posted therefore by using HM3 alone cannot get you banned. If you use prohibited software in combination with HM3 that is outside of our control.

    Перевод (мой): Holdem Manager, являющийся программой покерной статистики, разрешен вышепроцитированными правилами рума, поэтому за использование ХМ3 никто забанен быть не может. Если вы в комбинации с ХМ3 используете запрещенные программы - это находится вне нашего контроля.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Они делают вид что не понимают, или все же понимают? за 10 лет более нелепого ответа от саппорта ХМ я не слышал!

    Всегда была в ответах конкретика, а тут (где тут смайлик?)

  10. #10
    Holdem Manager Support Sarek's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Eridani 40


    Смайлики - в окне Go advanced
    А что касается ответа менеждемента: ну сказано же "If you use prohibited software in combination with HM3 that is outside of our control"

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