Hi guys,

I'm having some trouble setting up HM2 with the new poker site (https://online.swisscasinos.ch/en/) in Switzerland. It is unfortunately illegal for us now to use Pokerstars or any other site that is not Swiss, which is why I had to switch. Anyway I think the client is somehow based on iPoker or similar. So far I got basically everything to work perfectly. I can see all the hands, reports, sessions and can even see all the open tables through the table finder. The only thing that is not working is, that the HUD is not showing up automatically on each table on startup. I have to manually drag the stats from the table finder on to each table. When that's done, everything works perfectly. However there has to be a way to make the HUD shop up right away with the need to manually drag them in right..?

I tried a fair bit of troubleshooting, but couldn't seem to fix the issue.

I had the setup before on Pokerstars where everything worked perfectly aswell, so I wouldn't call myself a new user. But yea this new shitty client doesn't want to play ball. Any help is appreciated...

Thanks in advance