Bonjour ,
Comment peut on agrandir la police de caracteres pour l ensemble des données pop up.PNGde la pop up ?
Bonjour ,
Comment peut on agrandir la police de caracteres pour l ensemble des données pop up.PNGde la pop up ?
You have to edit the font item property for each or every stat/cell in the popup. You can edit the font size in the HUD - HUD Editor... menu for each HUD/Stat in the Item Properties section. You can also try toggling the HUD - HUD Options - General Settings - Advanced - HUD Display Options - [ ] 'Allow Vector Scaling' option and/or try changing your Windows DPI Scaling.
You can Ctrl+A or Shift+Click to select multiple/all stats before making the item property edits. HUD - HUD Editor - Ctrl + Left-Click multiple stats in the 'Group Items' list then make your edits to the item Properties - various fields that you want to edit for multiple stats at the same time. You can also select the 'Font' Item Property to select it then click Ctrl+C and go to the other Stat(s) and select their 'Font' then click Ctrl+V.