Logging out of account / changing account i.e., license key
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Logging out of account / changing account i.e., license key


    I have 2 user accounts and I accidentally logged into one of my HM3 instances from the wrong one and need to log out somehow but I am unable to locate any log out button. How do I log out?

  2. #2
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    HM Support


    Open the HM3 - Help - 'My Licenses...' menu and click your current email address in the upper right corner then login to the software with your other account email/password.

    If you continue to have problems:

    - Close your poker clients, close HM3 and right-click - 'Exit' the HM3 Server icon in the Windows Notification Tray.
    - Open C:\Users\{UserName}\AppData\Roaming\Max Value Software\Holdem Manager\3.0\Config and delete CurrentUserToken.txt file if you can see the file. If you can't see that folder, turn off the windows option that is hiding that directory.
    - Restart HM3 and check your HM3 - Help - My Licenses tab and you should now be able to see your active Holdem and/or Omaha licenses/trials as shown in the linked image:

    If you continue to have problems: Open the HM3 - Help - 'My Licenses...' menu and click your email address then login to the software with your account password.

    If none of that helps: Please create a support ticket via the 'Contact Support' link with a link to this thread and your forum username. Please reproduce the problem and attach a set of log files and a screenshot and detailed description of the issue in the support ticket you created.

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