In theory WPN (Americas Cardroom) started creating tournament summaries, however the import of buyin and results of these .ots files doesn't show. I'm I doing something wrong?
In theory WPN (Americas Cardroom) started creating tournament summaries, however the import of buyin and results of these .ots files doesn't show. I'm I doing something wrong?
Please update to our latest beta version of HM3 from this link -
Toggle on the HM3 - Tools - Settings - Import - [x] 'Allow reimport of previously imported hands' then import the files again using the HM3 - File - Import Folder/Files options.
If you continue to have problems:
Please try all the steps in this FAQ. If you continue to have problems please zip and email the problem original hand histories and tournament summaries to us as instructed. Make sure you also include screenshots of your reports/filters and a detailed description by tournament number, session, hole cards, filter, stat, etc. of some of the errors we need to test.
We need you to send us the hands/summaries and screenshots in a support ticket so we can test the files ourselves, then document the issue in detail for our developers to try and fix in a future update. We do not want your screenshots or hands posted here in the forums for privacy reasons so I will check those images in a minute and remove them if there is anything private in the image that I myself wouldn't post if they were my images.
All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM3Archive is in C:\HM3Archive by default, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Network\Month\DayOfMonth (example: C:\HM3Archive\SiteName\2016\07\31). It is configured in the Tools - Settings - Import menu.
Please 'Contact Support' with a link to this thread and your forum username. Please zip and email the problem original hand histories and tournament summaries to us. Make sure you also include screenshots of your reports/filters and a detailed description by tournament number, session, hole cards, filter, stat, etc. of some of the errors we need to test.
When sending any files please zip them (right-click > send to > compressed folder) before attaching them to an email. If the attachment is larger than 10MB please upload the backup file to to a file hosting site like dropbox, then right-click - 'copy dropbox link' and paste the download link directly into the support ticket email. If you have any problems with dropbox please try using google drive or filedropper instead. Here is a direct link to your My Tickets page.
p.s. If you make a post on our forums and do not see it right away, please do not post it again and again. Our forums have automated moderation for possibly malicious posts and your multiple threads all went into the moderation queue to be manually approved.
Last edited by fozzy71; 08-11-2020 at 09:42 AM.
I will try, but original hand histories and summaries are not in the site folder. Do they get deleted after import, I don't know.
Please see this in our last post:
All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM3Archive is in C:\HM3Archive by default, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Network\Month\DayOfMonth (example: C:\HM3Archive\SiteName\2016\07\31). It is configured in the Tools - Settings - Import menu.
What about summaries? The original ots files
Yes, if they are configured to be auto imported in the HM3 - Tools - Site Settings - WPN - Auto Import Folders menu then the summary files will get archived to the same folder as the hand history files that is configured in the HM3 - Tools - Settings - Import menu's 'Archive directory' field.
They got moved to a folder named "Standardized" in HM3Archive