- Beta Release Thread - PartyPoker update
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  1. #1
    HM Q.A & Testing Manager random's Avatar
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    Apr 2009

    Default - Beta Release Thread - PartyPoker update

    Beta release for is now available.

    The purpose of this release is to allow users to get early access to fixes and provide feedback as it would be impossible for our internal team to cover due to the huge amount of different possible PC environments out there. We do recommend you use a new database as a precaution.

    Even though we rarely see anything that serious in these betas, and they have gone through some internal testing, they have not completed all our internal tests yet and the chances of a bug are higher than normal.

    You can manually download the build here, if you have any issues you can rollback to the last official version here.

    Release notes:

    Poker Sites
    • PartyPoker - Showdown hole cards for downloaded hands are now correctly detected, resolving the issue with All-in EV calculations.

    Previous beta release notes:

    You can manually download the build here, if you have any issues you can rollback to the last official version here.

    Poker Sites
    • Ipoker - Add support for new hand history format
    • PokerStars.DK - HUD support for Zoom tables
    • 888Poker.ES - Resolved Snap hands not importing
    • 888Poker.IT - Resolved Blast hands not importing
    • 888Poker.RO - Resolved Snap hands not importing
    Last edited by fozzy71; 03-05-2020 at 11:41 AM. Reason: added 'ing' to 888poker.es end of line

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2020

    Default Hi! Now HM2 displays twister 10 tournaments(Betfair new client) played as freerolls.

    Hi! Now HM2 displays twister 10 tournaments(Betfair new client) played as freerolls. How i can fix that?

  3. #3
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    HM Support


    Quote Originally Posted by sShowTimEe View Post
    Hi! Now HM2 displays twister 10 tournaments(Betfair new client) played as freerolls. How i can fix that?
    You will have to send us some of the tournament/hand history files with screenshots, and a detailed description, of the issues so we can test, duplicate and document the issues for our developers.

    For nowyou will need to manually edit the results via the Reports - Tournaments - Tournaments - right-click a tournament in the upper half the report grid - Edit - Tournament Editor, then edit as needed and click 'OK' to save the edits.

    Please zip and email the problem original hand histories and tournament summaries to us as instructed at the end of this FAQ.

    Make sure you also include screenshots of your reports/filters and a detailed description by tournament number, session, hole cards, filter, stat, etc. of some of the errors we need to test.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Default Ipoker Twister Import Bugs on total buyin and winnings inaccurate


    I have the same problem on Betclic (Ipoker).
    When i import the files the buyin of the tourney is always 0 and i have to correct it manually.
    The winnings are also false it pus for example 0,20€ instead of 20€.
    I attached here a HH who cause the problem.

    I have another question, is it possible to import the prizepool of the tournament (twister). If yes which stats is it bcs i didnt founf it.

    Thx for your answers

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    I have the same problem when importing ipoker (betclic) hands on HM2.
    I have done the update but its still not working.
    I attached a HH of a twister tournament.
    The buyin when imported is at 0.00$ (freeroll) insteade of the real buyin.
    The winnings are also flase instead of making it 20 it put 0,20.
    Can pls check this ?
    Thx !

    PS : Another question is there anyway to import the prizepool of the tournament (to get in the data the multiplicators from the twisters ?)

  6. #6
    You're out! udbrky's Avatar
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    I think this is because the hand history files are confusing:

      <tournamentname>Sit’n’Go Twister 10€ EU</tournamentname>
    What is the buyin and prize structure of these?

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    The buyin is in this code it's 10 € : <tournamentname>Sit’n’Go Twister 10€ EU</tournamentname>
    I don't find the prizepool in the hand history

    For the winnings i uploaded you another HH (4442171214) when i won


    The winnings is in the <win>€20</win> code but when i import on HM2 it put me only 0,20 € in the winnings

  8. #8
    HM Q.A & Testing Manager random's Avatar
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    Handhistory is missing critical information, specificaly in the buyin section:

    Please report this bug to Ipoker, once that is resolved, buyins be recognized correctly (we will push additional fix if needed after HH is corrected).

    Kind regards

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2010


    Ok 'ill report it to ipoker/betclic, let's see if they move... !

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2011

    Default Broken again ?


    Looks like the yesterday's update from Ipoker is'nt friendly.


    Looks like i'm losing every hand.


    Raking wayyyyyy too much.


    And loosing money from hands i won. Left side replay, Right side loosing 1 buy in.

    I'll copy the HH from above :
    [removed hh]

    Hope this can help a fix soon.
    Last edited by fozzy71; 03-26-2020 at 12:23 PM. Reason: removed hh file for privacy reasons

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