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  1. #51
    Junior Member
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    Default version 8695 of hm2 makes me crash the program

    Hi I write to hn2 support because I have been having problems with hm2 and the IPoker room for some time now,
    long ago all the hands that dumped hm2 from the IPoker tables marked them as losses even if I won them,
    you made an update the file "Hm2AutoUpdate_8695.exe", I downloaded it but then with this update I can no longer open the hands that I imported into the hm2 replayer and it does not download my hands that I play you have tables and it does not work not even the hud and on hm2 I get an error message and contact hm2 support. Can you help me thanks.

  2. #52
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    HM Support


    Quote Originally Posted by markk13 View Post
    Hi I write to hn2 support because I have been having problems with hm2 and the IPoker room for some time now,
    long ago all the hands that dumped hm2 from the IPoker tables marked them as losses even if I won them,
    you made an update the file "Hm2AutoUpdate_8695.exe", I downloaded it but then with this update I can no longer open the hands that I imported into the hm2 replayer and it does not download my hands that I play you have tables and it does not work not even the hud and on hm2 I get an error message and contact hm2 support. Can you help me thanks.
    Here are the entire instructions for this issue for anyone else that finds this thread in the future. For you in particular, since you already updated, you can start at step 'b)' and follow those instructions.

    IPoker had a major update this year so you need the latest beta version of HM2 to properly work with the new hand history format. You will receive a prompt to update to any/all beta and official builds once available as long as you have enabled the Settings > General > [x] Prompt for Beta Updates. You can also check our HM2 Releases forum for new updates and download them manually from there.

    a) Please update to the latest beta 8695 version from this link.

    - After downloading, you should right-click the file, go to properties and click unblock.*
    * If you do not see an 'unblock' option you can ignore this step.
    - Then, right click the file and run as administrator.

    b) You should be able to force import them to the same database once you have purged or deleted all of the IPoker hands from the date of the update to today's date.
    - HM2 - Options - Hand Importing - 'Import Options' [x] 'Force import of previously imported hands'
    - Then 'Import Folder' and import all the folders* from the date of the update until the current date.
    - After the import is done switch to another database and back, or restart HM2, to see the updated reports/graphs data from all the hands that got imported.

    *All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM2Archive is in C:\HM2Archive by default, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth (example: D:\HM2Archive\2009\07\31) or if it was auto-imported with 7283+ it would be in \HM2Archive\SiteName\YYYY\MM\DD. It is configured in the Site Setup - Auto Import Folders menu.

    c) If you continue to have problems: Try creating a new DataBase and import a small portion of your \HM2Archive so you can see if the problem exists in the new DB.

    d) If none of that helps: Please zip and email the problem hand histories* to us.

    Make sure you also include screenshots of your reports/filters and a detailed description by tournament number, session, hole cards, filter, stat, etc. of some of the errors we need to test.

    *All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM2Archive is in C:\HM2Archive by default, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth (example: C:\HM2Archive\2016\07\31).

    When sending any files please zip them (right-click > send to > compressed folder) before attaching them to an email. If the attachment is larger than 10MB please upload them to a file hosting site like Dropbox, then in Windows File Explorer right-click (DropBox Icon) 'Share' > 'Create Link' > Copy Link' and right-click > 'Paste' the download link directly into the support ticket email. If you have any problems with Dropbox try using FileDropper or FireFox Send or Google Drive and copy/paste the download link to us.

  3. #53
    HM Q.A & Testing Manager random's Avatar
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    Beta release for is now available.

    The purpose of this release is to allow users to get early access to fixes and provide feedback as it would be impossible for our internal team to cover due to the huge amount of different possible PC environments out there. We do recommend you use a new database as a precaution.

    Even though we rarely see anything that serious in these betas, and they have gone through some internal testing, they have not completed all our internal tests yet and the chances of a bug are higher than normal.

    You can manually download the build here, if you have any issues you can rollback to the last official version here.

    Release notes:

    Poker Sites
    • PartyPoker - Showdown hole cards for downloaded hands are now correctly detected, resolving the issue with All-in EV calculations.

  4. #54
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2017


    I have installed beta update and HM2 still shows the same (incorrect) EV/bb stats. Do I need to re-import these hand histories?

  5. #55
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CorrectSide View Post
    I have installed beta update and HM2 still shows the same (incorrect) EV/bb stats. Do I need to re-import these hand histories?
    Yes, you have to reimport them to a new database and force import them to the same database so we can parse them all again.

    You should be able to force import them to the same database now:
    - HM2 - Options - Hand Importing - 'Import Options' [x] 'Force import of previously imported hands'
    - Then 'Import Folder' and import all the folders from after the date this started until the current date.
    - After the import is done you may have switch to another database and back, or restart HM2, to see the updated reports/graphs data from all the hands that got imported.

    *All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM2Archive is in C:\HM2Archive by default, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth (example: D:\HM2Archive\2009\07\31) or if it was auto-imported with 7283+ it would be in \HM2Archive\SiteName\YYYY\MM\DD. It is configured in the Site Setup - Auto Import Folders menu.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    I re-imported and found that almost all hand are ok. Excepting 13 of 1437
    Export Holdem Manager 2.0 09132020011323.txt

  7. #57
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    HM Support


    Quote Originally Posted by MagicGog View Post
    I re-imported and found that almost all hand are ok. Excepting 13 of 1437
    Export Holdem Manager 2.0 09132020011323.txt
    Thank you for the hands. I imported these to HM2 and HM3 and duplicated the HM2 cEV issues. If you want to be notified if/when it is fixed please send an email via the 'Contact Support' link and include "Notify Me When HM-9109 Is Resolved" in the subject line and body of the email.

    HM3 also shows no cEV but that is by design for HM3* based on the TJs and QJo hands I reviewed in detail (assuming the other 11 are similar types of hands/actions) being multi-way all-in hands. HM2 should calculate EV for those types of hands though. I also found a HM3 hand history viewer issue where it is showing 'Play' instead of 'PlayerX' names that I wrote up for the HM3 developers as well in HMT-5792.

    *HM3 uses the same equity code as PT4 now which is more accurate and less biased than the code we used for equity in HM2. In a hand where a player is all-in but other players are not, net adjusted results are not calculated. When one player is all-in preflop and other players are not, then they usually have the option to act postflop and this means that sometimes one of them will fold. Having the option to fold* after another street is dealt means that in the long run there will be more strong hands which get to showdown and less weak hands. If we were to calculate net adjusted results in hands like this it would introduce a systematic bias (because there will be more known strong hands) so we exclude all hands like this from net adjusted calculations. You can read more about this here.

    Note: Attempting to calculate adjusted results when unknown but folded cards already called the all-in also introduce a bias into the results so HM3 does not make these calculations in any situation where a player calls the all-in and later folds (even if it's on the same street).

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