A partypoker Update Just Removed Your Hand Histories! Read more here.
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  1. #1
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    Exclamation A partypoker Update Just Removed Your Hand Histories! Read more here.

    Please share https://protectonlinepokerplayers.com/ in your tweets, blogs, and on facebook.

    This website explains to other online poker players, in easy to understand terms, the magnitude of the risk to game security resulting from partypoker’s elimination of hand histories. It also addresses the complete lack of any credible argument to support removing hand histories.

    The site was launched by Max Value Software LLC ("MVS"). MVS owns and operates PokerTracker.com and HoldemManager.com
    Last edited by fozzy71; 06-17-2019 at 12:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    So there's no way to import hands from party anymore?

  3. #3
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khmer View Post
    So there's no way to import hands from party anymore?
    Their client does not write hands so there is nothing for us to import. There are already black hat dev teams at work on illegal hand grabbers so even though you can't, your opponents could be importing hands and displaying a HUD. From our NVG thread on 2+2:

    This VIDEO was received from a prospective customer of black hat software already under development after partypoker made the indefensible decision to no longer provide their players with hand histories. The video is being posted with their permission.

    The video shows the creation of the core elements of a hand history that is not provided by partypoker. This is one of several products that will likely soon be for sale by 3rd parties on the black market.

    As we said when the new policy was announced and as the video now makes very clear, partypoker has created an unenforceable policy for players willing to purchase black hat software. More importantly, they have done so at the expense of the single most important tool that the typical player has against collusion and cheating . . . the hand history.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by fozzy71 View Post
    Their client does not write hands so there is nothing for us to import. There are already black hat dev teams at work on illegal hand grabbers so even though you can't, your opponents could be importing hands and displaying a HUD. From our NVG thread on 2+2:

    This VIDEO was received from a prospective customer of black hat software already under development after partypoker made the indefensible decision to no longer provide their players with hand histories. The video is being posted with their permission.

    The video shows the creation of the core elements of a hand history that is not provided by partypoker. This is one of several products that will likely soon be for sale by 3rd parties on the black market.

    As we said when the new policy was announced and as the video now makes very clear, partypoker has created an unenforceable policy for players willing to purchase black hat software. More importantly, they have done so at the expense of the single most important tool that the typical player has against collusion and cheating . . . the hand history.

    don't cry, where our HUD for 6+ in pokerstars ???

  5. #5
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    Default And for others site that use partypoker soft?

    Why you delete the soft party poker from your application? There is lot of french site that use party poker soft like PMU, and now i can't import my hands from PMU anymore....

  6. #6
    You're out! udbrky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Onizuka View Post
    Why you delete the soft party poker from your application? There is lot of french site that use party poker soft like PMU, and now i can't import my hands from PMU anymore....
    Please read the rest of the thread? They decided to stop writing hands. There's absolutely nothing we can do about that. It's not our decision.

  7. #7
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Onizuka View Post
    Why you delete the soft party poker from your application? There is lot of french site that use party poker soft like PMU, and now i can't import my hands from PMU anymore....
    If you play at one of the regional PartyPoker.xx regional skins that currently still save hands, we will be adding it back to HM2 and HM3. You can roll back to the previous official release 8629 of HM2 to use the Site Setup again if your site still writes hands - http://www.holdemmanager.com/downloa...r_2_Update.exe

  8. #8
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    Thumbs up

    I've used to play on Party back in a day and only know I got to know that they did this. Of course it is good to prevent cheating but simple HUDs should be allowed.

    Can someone tell me if they are still doing this with hand histories?

  9. #9
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David777 View Post
    I've used to play on Party back in a day and only know I got to know that they did this. Of course it is good to prevent cheating but simple HUDs should be allowed.

    Can someone tell me if they are still doing this with hand histories?
    HM2/3 supports PartyPoker.xx regional skins that continue to save hand histories and don't prohibit the use of our software. PartyPoker.com and skins in the same global pool are not supported. Party.com has started allowing customers to manually download their hands post session and HM2/3 can manually import those hands for review in the database, but HM2 will not support the new Run It Twice hands they started writing after HM3 was released.

  10. #10
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    Realise Party have stopped saving hh to hard drives. However there is a function to download hh as a txt file. i presume so they can be imported into my HM2. How do i do this once d/l as i dont and cant set up Party as an import for hands.In shirt i have the raw txt files on my drive dl from the client but have no clue hoe to get them i ti HM2 so i can review and track/keep rrcords of buyins and winnins.

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