XM2 does not display stats in the room and in the replayer
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2019

    Default XM2 does not display stats in the room and in the replayer

    I haven’t played with HM2 for a long time. But I need to start again. I’m playing for PokerKingAsia. In general, XM2 does not display stats not on the table not in the replayer. Hands import, paths are registered, everything is displayed in active sessions. But even the waiting hands icon appears it disappears, but in the replayer it does not exist at all. Maybe something has been disconnected for a long time, XM did not launch it. Hands in XM2 get through https://elitehud.com/ converter. Maybe you need another or you don’t need it at all. But in the replayer - the stats should still be displayed. The XM is updated. When ticking the show hud stats in the replayer, the pane is configured with a Hud It appears briefly and disappears.

  2. #2
    You're out! udbrky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    When you use individual assignments in Site Options, don't use the Any settings.

    Reset the Site Options to clear duplicate entries and just use individual, or use any for all.

  3. #3
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    HM Support


    Please update to the latest beta version - http://www.holdemmanager.com/downloa...ger_2_Beta.exe

    - After downloading, you should right-click the file, go to properties and click unblock.*
    * If you do not see an 'unblock' option you can ignore this step.
    - Then, right click the file and run as administrator.

    If you continue to have problems: We can not provide technical help for unsupported sites/networks as we do not design our software to work there or test there with all of the third party tools. If you have any problems with HM2/3 using third party tools, to use our software with unsupported sites, all support will need to be handled by the third party software support team.

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