Mark multiple options from a list
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Mark multiple options from a list

    It would be nice if it was possible to mark multiple options when choosing options from a list. For example when choosing filters (Reports>More filters), it would be nice if we could mark multiple filters (in the "Applied Filters" list) at once and delete them (so we don't have to click them separately and save some time).
    It could work like in Windows (holding ctrl to mark separately, which are clicked and shift to mark all up to the clicked).
    This would also be nice when adding a player under an Alias, so we can mark multiple players quickly and be able to analyze pool stats more efficiently than in the "Opponents" tab. And I know there's a workaround for this through the script in the PostgreSQL database manager (PGAdmin), but I think this should be a basic function.

  2. #2
    You're out! udbrky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Due to the nature of some filters, it is not possible to do this.

    We are not adding this in HM2.

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