Serious bug no hm2 / sng wizard 2 / bug gravíssimo no sng wizard 2
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Angry Serious bug no hm2 / sng wizard 2 / bug gravíssimo no sng wizard 2

    In English (traduzido pelo google tradutor):

    I have a problem with the SNG wizard, the screen is frozen saying that it is loading, and I have waited for many hours and it does not leave this screen, it is attached an image of the screen that is, I need urgent help to restart the program. This happens in the same way both when I open the SNG Wizard tab in hm2, and when I open only the SNG Wizard program.

    Note: I recently imported a large amount of old hands that I had.

    Em português:

    Estou com problema no SNG wizard, a tela fica congelada dizendo que está carregando, e já esperei por muitas horas e não sai dessa tela, segue em anexo foto da tela que está, preciso de ajuda urgente para voltar a funcionar o programa. Isto ocorre da mesma forma tanto quando abro pela aba do SNG Wizard no hm2, quanto quando eu abro apenas o programa so SNG Wizard.

    Obs: recentemente eu importei uma quantidade grande de mãos antigas que eu tinha.

    Below is the picture of how the screen is:
    Abaixo está a foto de como está a tela:

    problema sngwizard.jpg

    Last edited by JeffCorreia; 08-03-2018 at 01:38 PM.

  2. #2
    SNGWiz Support SitNGo Wizard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    I will answer the email you sent to SitNGo Wizard support.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2018


    Why not here? Why such secrecy?

  4. #4
    SNGWiz Support SitNGo Wizard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    The user also sent an email to me with the same question. It's more efficient to handle question via email.

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