I am trying to research all of the stats LB is giving me a bad grade on. My problem is that some of the calculations seem to be much different than what PT4 shows as the same. For example Early UO PFR is showing as 21.1 in LB. But when I run the codes below I am getting 13.1 (5,6) and 14.7 (4,5,6). Which isn't even close to the LB values. I am a professional database developer and I really want to use your product to its maximum capabilities but I can't do that if I can't understand how you are arriving at the calculations. *I am able to match the sample size shown in the top right of the window. Therefore I know that I am applying the correct initial filter
count(CASE WHEN s.position IN (5,6) AND s.flg_p_open = true THEN s.id_hand END) * 100.0 /
count(CASE WHEN s.position IN (5,6) AND s.flg_p_open_opp = true THEN s.id_hand END) EP_open56,
count(CASE WHEN s.position IN (4,5,6) AND s.flg_p_open = true THEN s.id_hand END) * 100.0 /
count(CASE WHEN s.position IN (4,5,6) AND s.flg_p_open_opp = true THEN s.id_hand END) EP_open456
FROM cash_hand_player_statistics
WHERE id_player=_myid AND cnt_players >=7 --full ring