badges display!
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Thread: badges display!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Question badges display!

    Hello I play winamax poker site

    NC. version
    HM. version

    I have a problem with the badges display!

    Creating notes ok
    Caddy report ok
    NC. Top 10 pop up ok
    Pop up hud ok

    The notes are displayed correctly everywhere except as a badge: where the display is incomplete


    Do I use too many badges?
    How many badges can be put on the hud?

    Do I use too many notes?
    The construction of my hud is it bad?

    can you help me ?

    thank you in advance

    Or other solutions, suggestions?

    I noticed that if I stop and restart the hud the badges are partially updated!
    Same if I restart holdem manager the hud gets a bit updated at the level of the badges!

    Otherwise the badges will update when?


  2. #2
    NoteCaddy sreticentv's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    No direction but to trust the final destination


    I recommend to start with a simple HUD and frequently test in between adding more things. This way you can narrow down what caused the problem. Also if you turn on logging in NC and then look at the log file after you close HM2 you will get plain text explanations of how all the data was loaded for each player. This will likely give you a very specific answer about what is causing delays.
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    NoteCaddy experts: a.k.aAlso, Catalyst_Kh, Derders, karstenkloss, scoobediah (NoteCaddy Edge)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by sreticentv View Post
    I recommend to start with a simple HUD and frequently test in between adding more things. This way you can narrow down what caused the problem. Also if you turn on logging in NC and then look at the log file after you close HM2 you will get plain text explanations of how all the data was loaded for each player. This will likely give you a very specific answer about what is causing delays.
    OK very well I have the folder HM2logs.
    I have to look at what file to find something?
    Did I tick off what was needed? (Dbbcontrol panel, hmapps, live tracking, and report stats)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014



    Can you help me please
    I have to look where for my problem of badge display in real time
    Last edited by nicosellier; 05-26-2017 at 05:50 PM.

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