How to compare sessions?
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default How to compare sessions?


    I was wondering if it is possible to see progress on my leaks? So all my leaks are an F now, can I see progression in these grades when I improve on those leaks? Will it become an E for example when I improved it?

    Also, do I need to run complete analysis every time I use LB? I feel like IF there is any progression built in the program I will undo it by running a complete analysis (because the program will think all the hands are new or something).

    The price I paid for this program is insane so it would be great if there is a bit more information on how things work, especially details like this. I can't find any tutorial apart from the 3 mini videos when u start the program but these just state the obvious things.

  2. #2
    Moderator Leak Buster Support's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefest View Post

    I was wondering if it is possible to see progress on my leaks? So all my leaks are an F now, can I see progression in these grades when I improve on those leaks? Will it become an E for example when I improved it?

    Also, do I need to run complete analysis every time I use LB? I feel like IF there is any progression built in the program I will undo it by running a complete analysis (because the program will think all the hands are new or something).

    The price I paid for this program is insane so it would be great if there is a bit more information on how things work, especially details like this. I can't find any tutorial apart from the 3 mini videos when u start the program but these just state the obvious things.
    Every time you run an analysis, it will show how much you improved in step 1. That green or red arrow and the number is shows on the left hand side is how much you've improved up or down from last analysis.

    There's a whole manual on how to use Leak Buster. There's a button to launch it up top that says - manual. Insane price? We're ubber cheap for what you get. How much would you pay for coaching or a training site? You're getting an insane amount of information for the price. And leak buster 2 is going to be more, so you got in at a good time.

  3. #3
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    Hi. Thanks for your reply!

    Lol I didn't notice the manual, this should certainly help me get started.

    For a program that relies heavily on a different program that I already paid for (HM2) I think 60 dollar (and more if I move up the stakes) is a lot. I mean, it's the same price as a high-budget game on its release. However I am new to online poker and haven't really thought of it as a comparison to a real coach. Maybe I should compare it more to something like that than to a game or program. Especially now that I see it is being updated and LB2 is on the way. Glad to read that!

    Anyway, just my thoughts about the price when I bought LB. Thanks again for answering!

  4. #4
    Moderator Leak Buster Support's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefest View Post
    Hi. Thanks for your reply!

    Lol I didn't notice the manual, this should certainly help me get started.

    For a program that relies heavily on a different program that I already paid for (HM2) I think 60 dollar (and more if I move up the stakes) is a lot. I mean, it's the same price as a high-budget game on its release. However I am new to online poker and haven't really thought of it as a comparison to a real coach. Maybe I should compare it more to something like that than to a game or program. Especially now that I see it is being updated and LB2 is on the way. Glad to read that!

    Anyway, just my thoughts about the price when I bought LB. Thanks again for answering!
    Yeah, that should walk you through most of the program. And as far as pricing, in all sincerity, in over 6 years of we've been selling leak buster now this is the first time I've heard anyone say anything about the price. Mostly the feedback is that it's under valued, and we've tried to keep the price low for what you get. You get a TON of information, that if over the course of your poker career increases your winrate .5 or 1 bb/100, that more than pays for itself many times over. And we think in most cases, that's very achievable if you use the information, and stay thoughtful about the leaks that are happening in your poker game.

    Any way, good luck with your poker game!

  5. #5
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    I am sorry to bother you again but I still have some questions.

    Question 1:
    You mentioned I should see my progress in step 1 with a red or green arrow and a number next to this but I just can't find this. I did an analysis a month ago with 82k hands. Now I did another analysis with 107k hands, a difference of 25k hands but I can't see any changes (see picture, there are no red or green arrows with ANY of my leaks).

    Question 2:
    I am missing some things that should be there. I know this sounds weird but according to the manual I should have a lot of overall information on the top of my screen that I don't have. I am talking about total score, winrate, total amount of money won, total score (specifically for step 1), score +/- (specifically for step 1) and winrate +/- (specifically for step 1).
    If you look at the manual it says all these things should be there next to my leak number, potential leak number, overall grade etc. but it is simply not there (see picture).

    Maybe I accidentally hide all these options? Do you know how I can get them back? Thanks in advance!

    LB missing information.JPG

  6. #6
    Moderator Leak Buster Support's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefest View Post

    I am sorry to bother you again but I still have some questions.

    Question 1:
    No bother. Are you running regular full analysis? I know that the +/i is going to show after 10k hands which sounds like you did. Do you have any +/- at all, because if there's no movement in the leaks, it won't show. Did you look at the non critical leaks? All of the current data for the most recent version is showing. Leak number is the leak for the step (S3 for example), total score for the main step 1 was removed a couple of builds ago. This only shows for steps 2/3. You're not missing any data on the first screen, but the +/- with your red/green arrows should be showing. If you're not seeing it for any of your leaks, we can take a look at your log. Maybe something isn't logging correctly. I haven't seen it ever have an issue, so I'm not sure, but we can definitely look at it.

  7. #7
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    Alright thanks. The only problem is the arrows not showing up then, which is definitely the case for all my leaks. Where can I send the logs to?

  8. #8
    Moderator Leak Buster Support's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefest View Post

    Alright thanks. The only problem is the arrows not showing up then, which is definitely the case for all my leaks. Where can I send the logs to?
    Send them to support from this page:

    Contact Ace Poker Solutions

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