good day!
i had to reenter all my hm2 licenses for apps and hm but leakbuster cant connect to the licensing server. i tried rebooting my router and all stuff and nothing worked. it just cant connect to server to verify. ive been using leakbuster since 2012 without problems till now
heres some deatails from the error message
btw registering everything else worked
License Failure Details
10/28/2016 10:11:11
Errors connecting to the server.
Could not register license.
Could not register with the server.
Fehler bei der Anforderung mit HTTP-Status 502: Bad Gateway. --> Fehler bei der Anforderung mit HTTP-Status 502: Bad Gateway.
System Info
Timestamp: 2016-10-28T10:11:11 / 2016-10-28T12:11:11
Entry Assembly: HoldemManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Base Directory: F:\Programme\Holdem Manager 2\
Platform: Windows 8 64-bit [6.2 Build 9200]
OS Version: 6.2.9200.0
CLR Version: 4.0.30319.42000
Process Bitness: 64-bit
Virtual Machine: Physical
Culture: / de-AT
Encoding: Westeuropäisch (Windows)
IIS Available: True
thx for your help