The same code can be used on 2 pc's you own at once and can be reset as often as needed. Please try using our site to retrieve/reset the code whenever necessary -
If you continue to have problems:
Please try all the steps on this FAQ -
FAQ - Hold'em Manager (HM1) Poker Tracking Software :: I Can't Activate & Register Holdem Manager
If you continue to have registration issues, please send your Reg.log file from the C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\Logs folder. If your Windows is hiding known file extensions the file will simply be called 'reg'.
We stopped selling HM1 licenses when HM2 was released in November of 2011. We stopped updating for critical bugs and providing support for HM1 at the end of April 2014 so it may not work on your/most sites if they released major updates since we last updated it -
FAQ - Hold'em Manager (HM1) Poker Tracking Software :: HM1 End of Life (EOL) Common Questions
If you continue to have problems there is nothing else we can do since we no longer support this software so you should consider trying HM2. If you have not tried it recently you should be able to install the latest update and activate a new 30 day trial. If you have any problems with the trial let us know and we can extend the trial for you manually.
Please note that FTP/Stars recent rules changes makes HM1 no longer allowed on any Amaya software.