Hi, how would I create a filter so I could go through a session and look at all hands in which a 3-bet occurred? So not just hands that were 3-bet by the "hero". Any hand in the session where anyone 3-bet preflop.
Hi, how would I create a filter so I could go through a session and look at all hands in which a 3-bet occurred? So not just hands that were 3-bet by the "hero". Any hand in the session where anyone 3-bet preflop.
This is not possible. You could create an alias with some regular names and change the reports to show that alias.
I'm not sure what you mean could you give an example?
This is 6-max btw, so why couldn't I make a condition to find out where the player in the big blind is facing either a 3bet, 4bet, 5bet, or 6bet, preflop? That would essentially cover every condition where there was a 3bet in a hand.
The filters only work against the selected player. You can't filter an action against 'everyone' unless you create an alias with everyone included and select that alias. This can cause some other problems though by having players aliased together that played hands against each other since an alias was designed to join hero screen names from different sites together and hero's usually don't play hands against themselves.
Here is our general alias FAQ - http://hm2faq.holdemmanager.com/ques...B47%7D+Aliases
If you want to create an alias with a lot of villains you can do it via PGAdmin or RangeMeister as explained here - Script to analyze population tendency on HEM - Heads Up SNG and Spin and Gos -- Two Plus Two Poker Forums - but please be aware that it can be very resource intensive to link all villains to an alias so you should have a powerful computer with lots of ram if attempting this.
Ok alright thanks that makes sense.