Just a quick Notes question
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Just a quick Notes question

    All I have is the basic package until next week. My question is how do I find the notes that I have saved all ready? I have taken quite a bit of notes on players and you can see the note icon on them during live play, but I can't seem to find those notes off the table just using the hud.

    When ever I click run note caddy it just shows me a vid and that's it. I want to be able to find the players i took notes on so I can review handplayer

    any help would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    NoteCaddy has nothing to do with manually created player notes. There is no central list of manually created player notes but you can see them in the replayer just like you can on a live table by hovering over or clicking on the note icon. You can create a backup of just the player notes (make sure you choose the skip database option) then unzip the backup file with 7zip and open the \file\playernotes.xml file with a text editor like notepad++.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    thank you for the fast response. I think I didn't explain what I needed. Forget I said anything about the replayer. I just want to know where I go to view the saved notes for my own study. So, do you know where the notes are saved?

  4. #4
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sknub77 View Post
    thank you for the fast response. I think I didn't explain what I needed. Forget I said anything about the replayer. I just want to know where I go to view the saved notes for my own study. So, do you know where the notes are saved?
    It is still not clear if you are referring to notes you created or the notes that notecaddy creates. Both are saved in the database and can only be viewed via the HUD on the live table or replayer. Manually created notes can be backed up and restored, as explained above, to other databases if you play on more than one computer or get a new computer.

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