i installed the latest version and then this problem occured
on some tables HUD is moving by 1 position to right it seems to move randomly
then i fold and its again back to normal but happens on another table or tables
its partypoker fast NL100
i installed the latest version and then this problem occured
on some tables HUD is moving by 1 position to right it seems to move randomly
then i fold and its again back to normal but happens on another table or tables
its partypoker fast NL100
Are these tables short-handed?
This issue has been documented in detail and provided to the developers to resolve.
The assigned internal ticket # on this issue is HM-8558: Party FF HUD is off when table is short handed
I have added your email address to the ticket so we can notify you once we have fixed it.
yes they are shorthanded
and i noticed its happening because HUD on myself(Hero) just dissapears
got the same problem,
still got the problem any updates or something?
This is still an open ticket. I have no eta when it will be fixed.
Participate in the Beta release of the newest Hold'em Manager version: HM Cloud. Sign-up HERE.
If you would like to leave some feedback to help us improve the quality of the solutions, and/or the support quality you received, - you can do this here
yesterday after I updated my hem from version xxx.8205 to the newest xxx.8280 but I also started using NoteCaddy, created notes etc. (I don't know if this can affect it either) I have got the same problem as it mentioned above.
When I start playing FF on Partypoker there is a bug in about one of the fifth hand where my HUD disappears and I can see only 5 opponents HUD's but they are moved one seat in the way that my HUD should be.
Could you please escalate this problem?
Thank you.
This is a difficult issue that our developers have been looking into. I do not have an ETA on when it will be resolved.
I have added you to be resolved.
I think I have got a similar problem here.... NL25 Fast ,Partypoker.