Questions about PG performace and HM2 - Page 3
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  1. #21
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    Was this ever addressed ? Everyone I know has this problem with HM2

  2. #22
    You're out! udbrky's Avatar
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    Jul 2008


    What is your hard drive model, RAM and CPU? You can find this in your Control Panel - System - Device Manager. Sometimes lower spec PC's can contribute to lagging but that is not to say we can't still improve it further.

    Are you running Notecaddy also and do you have many definitions or use any of the NC Edge or NC Advantage packages? Those can also have an impact on large database with large definitions. If you do I would suggest reading this thread which will help improve the performance when using NC - NoteCaddy speed improvement - Assaultware Wiki

    You can also try the steps in the following AJA Performance Guide -

    How big is your database and how many hero hands are in the database? If you have a large database you can try to edit the hm2 config file to force HM2 to use more or less RAM and see if it helps. Here is a text document with instructions if you want to try that also -

    In the meantime while you reply with those details I have a couple of things you can try that will improve the performance of your PC in general and may help if this scanning is the cause of the issues you're seeing.

    Please check these 2 FAQs and try all the steps there to see if they help:
    - Hold'Em Manager 2 FAQs - Poker Software :: Software Security Problems (Firewall) - Resolves issues where security software continually try to scan files and processes which can slow down your PC
    - Hold'Em Manager 2 FAQs - Poker Software :: Fix Holdem Manager 2 Lagging (Reports & HUD) - General tips and solutions for performance issues

    A few other things you could try to see if it helps when playing:
    - Does it help you disable the Settings > General Settings > Miscellaneous > [ ] 'Automatically Refresh' option and restart HM2?
    - Try leaving HM2 on the 'Home' tab when playing.
    - Try picking a villain in the reports that only has a few hands in your database instead of your hero and restart HM2.
    - Try creating a new smaller database with just hands from the past 1 or 2 months to use when playing - Hold'Em Manager 2 FAQs - Poker Software :: How to create a new database and import previously played hands

    If you continue to have problems, please reproduce the problem, describe exactly what you were doing, and attach your new \HM2logs folder -
    Hold'Em Manager 2 FAQs - Poker Software :: How Do I Send a Log File to Holdem Manager Support?

  3. #23
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    Yes , ofcourse i have tried most of the above mentioned fixes. I have uninstalled and reinstalled . even moved to new PC and started the db over again which is now 350mb but has been slow since 2k. Laptop Intel 5i 3.9ghz , 8gb RAM, 500gb ssd. Windows 7. I had the latest version of postrsql . but uninstalled that to hot to the version suggested . Notecaddy is not running .

  4. #24
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    HM Support


    Quote Originally Posted by Noodletheriver View Post
    Yes , ofcourse i have tried most of the above mentioned fixes. I have uninstalled and reinstalled . even moved to new PC and started the db over again which is now 350mb but has been slow since 2k. Laptop Intel 5i 3.9ghz , 8gb RAM, 500gb ssd. Windows 7. I had the latest version of postrsql . but uninstalled that to hot to the version suggested . Notecaddy is not running .
    Please send us the requested logs so we can better understand what problems you are having and what might cause them.

    You can also try to force HM2 to use more RAM which generally helps those with ram to spare like you have.

    Here is a text document with instructions if you want to try that also -

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