Holdem Manager 2 API - Page 31
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  1. #301
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2019

    Question API select by specific user

    At the moment any player info, use default selected player from HM UI.

    select StatTotalHands,StatPlayerNameAndSite,StatFullRingPosition,StatNetAmountWon,StatBigBlindsPer100,StatVPIP,StatPFR,StatThreeBet,StatWentToShowdown,StatWonShowdown,StatPostflopAggression,StatPostflopAggressionPercentage from stats group by StatPlayerNameAndSite
      "ResultType": "Stats",
      "Errors": [
      "QueryTime": 1.4976,
      "Results": [
          "Player": "Vanes1412151 (PS)",
          "Position": ""EP+2"",
          "bb100": "-15.70",
          "NetWon": "579.00",
          "PFR": "0.22",
          "Agg": "1.00",
          "Agg%": "0.30",
          "3Bet": "0.17",
          "TotalHands": "39",
          "VPIP": "0.23",
          "WTSD%": "0.56",
          "W$SD%": "0.60"
    How I can select in API specific player info?
    Last edited by fozzy71; 06-29-2019 at 08:31 AM. Reason: code tags

  2. #302
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    HM Support


    I merged your posts to the API thread. I also wrapped the code in tags for you. Please do not start new threads for API questions. That is what this stickied thread is for.

    This is not possible. It was requested years ago (2014) but only a handful of customers (4 to be exact) ever showed interest in such a feature so it was never implemented.

    HMQL API update to work with all players and not just hero

  3. #303
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009



    what's the point of this API if it can't query for players stats??

  4. #304
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    HM Support


    Quote Originally Posted by cyberpokey View Post

    what's the point of this API if it can't query for players stats??
    I believe that HM3's API, once fully documented, should not have this limitation.

    We’ll be building something out for the 1.2 release which is still a bit away.

    For now we have a shared Google doc you can view - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1...it?usp=sharing

    If you are wanting to begin before we release 1.2 then please provide your email address so our developers can possibly invite you to the Slack channel to answer your questions.

    We are working on a developer hub for the 1.2 release.

    Note: I was actually wrong in my previous post about only 4 customers asking for this. I had forgot we had 2 user notification fields (ticket number and email address) for HM2 tickets. There are actually 25+ users that wanted this feature.

  5. #305
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2009


    i'm a bit confused - is this a working feature? does hm3/pt4 start the named pipe server at the start?

    The named pipe for PT4 is named "pt4_api." The named pipe for HM3 is named "hm3_api". For either of these, at least two connections should be made, one for sending requests and one for receiving requests. For performance reasons, multiple connections for both sending and receiving is generally preferred.
    could you provide an example of how this works?

  6. #306
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    HM Support


    Quote Originally Posted by cyberpokey View Post
    i'm a bit confused - is this a working feature? does hm3/pt4 start the named pipe server at the start?

    could you provide an example of how this works?
    That is not something us in the support can answer. We will need to have our developers answer this.

    Please 'Contact Support' with a link to this thread and your forum username. We can then ask our developers if they can answer it, or if they want to invite you to the private slack channel that was mentioned in the post above.

  7. #307
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2020


    I am trying to query against STATS trying to filter by PreflopBetAmountInCents but am not able to . can anyone help ?

  8. #308
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    maby someone knews how to select all existing columns with request in hm2api application
    select * not works

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