What ranges are the filters not covering? Preflop is # of bb. There is no stat in the reports.
Use the BB position filter.
Use facing preflop raise size and preflop made 3bet size filters.
I'm trying to filter by hand strenght on Flop/Turn/River and failing
I tried HandGroup, MadeHandType, FlopMadeHandValue and MadeHandTypeFlopMadeHandValue
Can i please have an example query if i need to filter let's say, top pair+ on the river?
Nevermind, I figured it out
select * from hands where RiverMadeHandValueInt = 82 and IsTourney = false and GameType = 0
Where 82 is any of the values found at page 22 of the official docs
However i do have another problem. How do i filter by board texture just like I can in HM2?
Check the API section 9 "Enums" for info on querying board textures.
great WORK HEM Team![]()
this is sooo usefull!
but i still have question --> the only stat I cant find stats like on HEM2 the "Board Texture Filter"
only a StatHighCardOnFlop stat is available... but what about "Board has trips" or "2 tone Board" etc etc...
my goal is to get Flop Cbet Ranges (e.g. form UTG as OpenRaiser)
my line looks like this at the moment:
SELECT StatFlopCBet, StatTotalHands, StatPFR FROM stats WHERE PositionAsInt = 1
but this gives me only the Frequency on all BoardTextures, but i want to find out how often villian is Cbetting on
Wet or dry boards or mono boards or rainbow boards...
HOW can I realize that (maybe I overlooked something at the API Manual Word File
Thanks for helpin' me out...
i am also looking for board texture stats....
at the ENUM Part is just the MADE HANDS stats, but i want to know if there board was wet or dry
(2tone, mono, raibow etc)
thanks for help!