I couldn't find how to define a byte. Let's take as an example “byte BoardCard1”. Could please tell me what is the query to get all hands with a given first board card? (e.g. King of Spade)
select * from hands where BoardCard1=??????
I couldn't find how to define a byte. Let's take as an example “byte BoardCard1”. Could please tell me what is the query to get all hands with a given first board card? (e.g. King of Spade)
select * from hands where BoardCard1=??????
I'm sorry to hear you're having issues with this and I apologize for the delay. I have escalated this to our 2nd level support techs and have explained the issues you are having and they will be in touch shortly to help resolve the problem.
We apologize, there was a bug that will be fixed in the next release.
The values will be:
Thank you for your reply, Chris.
So in the next release, all properties defined as a byte will be fixed? Because the problem is not only with BoardCard1 but with every property defined as a byte (BoardCard*, HoleCard*, RiverActionValue, ...)
Great, thank you for the update!
You are welcome. Let us know if we can help with anything else.
hey guys,
Is there any ETA on being able to use the api for queries relating to players other than the currently selected player?
I missed this reply otherwise I'd have replied earlier. I find the implied attitude to the tournament playing community quite breathtaking. This feature is about utility and most users won't understand the utility of this until it is presented to them. They can't demand what they don't understand. Therefore HEM's job is to drive demand.
It seems likely that tournament supported will be bolted onto a base feature set aimed at cash game players whereas what should really happen is the design and development should account for both requirements together. Yet again, it seems that tournament players will be treated as an after-thought.