Holdem Manager 1 release 1.13.02
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Holdem Manager 1 release 1.13.02

    Hi lads,

    I've been using this version for God knows how long. Has there been a new update in the last 12 months? Seems to only be an older update every time i check. Still can't get HUD to work on Full Tilt multi entry tournaments no matter how hard i try, or how many different options i try from other users with that had the same problem.



    Holdem + Omaha Manager btw

  2. #2
    HM Support netsrak's Avatar
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    Feb 2009


    This are the latest betas for HM1: http://forums.holdemmanager.com/rele...m1-update.html

    FTP multi entry tourneys are not yet supported in HM1. We recommend to update to HM2 or at least try the HM2 trial.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    So as i said, i'm using 1.13.02 and the latest update is 1.12.10b? It doesn't solve the FT problem anyway

    I've already tried HEM2 twice and just don't like it so happy to stick with 1. I've paid for it and i'm still using it. It would be great it HEM1 users weren't just thrown on the scrapheap and forgotten about. I can't imagine that it's taken about 12 months of trying to fix it, and it still can't be found. Surely it can't be that difficult and could be solved easily enough if you wanted to fix HEM1 instead of trying to push people into buying HEM2?

  4. #4
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    The latest build is the beta 1.13.02 from October - http://www.holdemmanager.com/Downloa..._10Oct2013.exe

    This does not fix the FTP ME MTT issues and we have no plans to fix these issues as HM1 is nearing it's end of life for support. We have been providing critical fixes for HM1 for over 2 years since releasing HM2 but unfortunately this issue is not something that will be fixed before we officially end support.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Thanks Fozzy

    I've put a lot of time and effort into customising my HUD setups, colour coding, changing the popups when i hover over stats, editing everything to suit what i want etc. Last time i tried, i wasn't able to import them into HEM2. I tried a trial twice, but each time i found it buggy and heavy on my system. Can i combine the 2, or will i just have to suck it up and spend days setting up HEM2? I might just have to get it if HEM1 is being made redundant.

  6. #6
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    Combine HM1 and HM2? You can have both open at the same time but I wouldn't recommend auto importing to both at the same time while playing. The HM1 HUDs will import to HM2, and bring the popups along, but some of the HM1 stat names were changed to make them more uniform in HM2 since there are so many stats available now. It will take some time to go thru the HUD/Popups to replace the old stats with new stats for any that are no longer working but it should be worth it IMO due to the sheer number of new stats/features/filters in HM2.

    If you had performance problems in the past with HM2 it was likely a system conflict (some security software still causes problems) or a general performance issue that we have likely resolved over the past year. I see your last HM2 code was a beta code from October of 2011. We have made a ton of performance improvements since the release in 2011 so you should definitely give it another try. I am going to issue you a 60 day trial extension (check your email inbox) to make sure you have plenty of time to get everything imported/transferred over from HM1 and then use the software so you can be sure you want to upgrade. If you decide to upgrade make sure you take advantage of your upgrade discount when purchasing. You will also have a limited time no questions refund period after you purchase.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Thanks a million for your response and the trial Fozzy. Will maybe start a thread outlining what my current HUD is and seeing if people can help me with what's been replaced and what new stats are available. I'll have a read of the topics first to see if it's been covered already. Cheers again, Tony

  8. #8
    *** HM3! *** fozzy71's Avatar
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    HM Support


    The stats that were renamed will show nothing '-' in the HUD so they should be easy to spot in the replayer on a player that has a lot of hands. The stats in the popups that were renamed will show their stat name instead of a number so they should be easy to track down as well.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by fozzy71 View Post
    You can have both open at the same time but I wouldn't recommend auto importing to both at the same time while playing. The HM1 HUDs will import to HM2, and bring the popups along, but some of the HM1 stat names were changed to make them more uniform in HM2 since there are so many stats available now.
    Hi Fozzy

    It doesn't allow me to open HEM1 and HEM2 together, but that's not a problem at the moment. I can't get HEM2 to import HEM1 HUDS. I seem to remember this as a problem before. I've attached some screenshots.


    This is my config folder for HEM1. All of my custom HUDS are saved as text documents by default (i don't know any other way)

    When i use Import 1.0 function to import from HEM1, these are the only files i'm able to transfer ( and i also get transfer errors on these)


    I've tried to convert the files from .txt to .xml but it still can't read them. There's no additional dropdowns i can change other than the 1.0 xml files box

    Have you any ideas?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Actually scratch the above. I had to export from HEM1 which saved it as a .xml file and then i was able to import it.

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